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I had a good time photographing November's full moon so I tried it again in December. With the full moon scheduled for Christmas Day, it was something special to be out there watching and photographing it as it was happening. For those familiar with the Superstition Mountain Ridgeline, this silhouetted peak is along the "Roller Coaster" section just prior to heading up to peak 5057 (heading West to East), the photo was taken from in front of my house in Apache Junction. They say this phenomenon will not be repeated for another 30 years, I doubt that I'll be around for the next showing, so I had to be a part of this one.
The camera is the Canon SX50 and the zoom was cranked up to full, f/8, ISO 100, 1/40 sec exposure, manual focus and touched up in Lightroom 5.7. The camera was attached to a Manfrotto tripod.
As last month, I used the Photographer's Ephemeris app and was able to predict the path where the moon would be rising with respect to the top of the mountain.