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Darrel O'Neill
Kelowna, BC, Canada
Bokeh can occur in front of or behind the subject. This female red-winged blackbird was taking a dragonfly back to the nest for the little ones.
Canon EOS 50D w/ Sigma 150-500mm 1:5.6-6.3 APO HSM lens
1/1000; f/6.3; ISO 640; 500mm
Used Shutter Priority mode w/ -2/3 exposure compensation;
manual focusing;
processed with Photoshop Elements 9.0.3
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Bringing Supper Home
LongInt57 | Nov 15, 2014
Views: 80
Dimensions: 3600x2400
Size: 4298kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Bokeh, Shallow Depth of Field