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While riding in the tour bus on one of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge (near Denver, CO) tours, the driver stopped when this Great Blue Heron was spotted on the tree limb. By scrunching down in my seat I was able to position my 500mm lens on monopod to reach out through a small open “port hole” window below the main window, which was tinted. I no sooner than got my lens composed on the heron than he (or she) flew from the limb. I took three quick shots as the bird flew off, then later composited them into this one scene in Photoshop. Nikon D200 with Sigma f/4.5 500mm lens, monopod, ISO 400, exposure unrecorded but approximately 1/500th sec on Shutter Priority.
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Photographer: Greg Monroe
Greg Monroe | Feb 14, 2017
Views: 27
Dimensions: 3000x1527
Size: 3390kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Wildlife & Nature Photography