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Ron Leach  |  Jul 25, 2023  |  0 comments

Photoshop's powerful Layer Mask tools enable you to enhance photos in a way that's not possible with other methods. Unfortunately, some photographers avoid this technique because of a misconception that it's beyond their skills.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 24, 2023  |  0 comments

Last week we featured a tutorial demonstrating how to customize Lightroom, so it works best for your specific needs. Today were following up with a related video that explains how to improve your workflow further by organizing photos with keywords.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 21, 2023  |  0 comments

Many photographers routinely create images that are good technically and in every other way, but are still about average. In many instances, you can transform your photography skills from typical to exceptional with the right accessory. Besides that, here at Shutterbug we really love photo accessories. Who doesn't? Here are a half-dozen that we especially like.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 21, 2023  |  0 comments

If you've never set you camera to capture images in b&w or converted color photos to monochrome during the editing process, the tutorial below from B&H Photo Video will inspire you to give it a try. In less than three minutes a notable photographer and Sony Artisan shares his five favorite tips for those new to b&w photography.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 21, 2023  |  0 comments

One reason Lightroom can be so complicated is that it's a very robust program that's not designed exclusively for photographers. Art directors, web designers, and other content creators use it to, hence there are some tools you may never use.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 20, 2023  |  0 comments

Today's lesson from one of our favorite outdoor photographers demonstrates a fun and easy pro trick for adding depth to your outdoor images, and it takes less than six minutes to explain. The technique involves using natural or man-made objects to frame the key subject in a scene.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 20, 2023  |  0 comments

Many photographers set their camera for Auto White Balance and never modify the setting regardless of the subject at hand. If that sounds like you it may explain why the colors in your photos don't accurately convey the colors in a scene.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 19, 2023  |  0 comments

If you're unfamiliar with the term "ghosting" as pertains to photos, it's basically a type of flare that occurs when stay light reflects off the surface of a lens and make images look hazy with little contrast. It's an unsightly artifact that degrades the quality of an image—particularly when shooting into the sun.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 19, 2023  |  0 comments

Most of the post-processing tutorials we feature involve editing techniques in Photoshop or Lightroom. Today we're switching things up with a video for Adobe Photoshop Elements users, with a quick and valuable lesson from the HTG George YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 19, 2023  |  0 comments

If you're a regular Shutterbug reader you know that we constantly preach the value of developing a unique photographic style, and this is true for beginners and advanced shooters alike. In the tutorial below from the Street View YouTube channel, you'll learn how to get started today.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 18, 2023  |  0 comments

Shallow depth of field is a popular technique for all types of images because it accentuates a main subject and separates it from the background. This effect can be achieved in the camera with careful focusing and wide aperture settings, but today you'll see how to get it done in Photoshop with a minimum of work.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 18, 2023  |  0 comments

DSLRs are becoming a rarity these days, for reasons you'll see in the video below. If you're already using a mirrorless camera, or plan to get one in the near future, this tutorial is a must see.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 18, 2023  |  0 comments

If you ask a bunch of accomplished landscape photographers to name their most difficult challenges, they'll likely express two key considerations. One is arriving at a correct exposure in scenes with a wide-range of tones from bright highlights to deep shadows. Another is achieving sharp results when there are a number of objects within the frame.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 17, 2023  |  0 comments

You know that Mode dial atop your camera that's always staring you in the face? The first thing you should understand is that the various options available don’t fall into the set-it-and-forget category of configuring a camera.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 17, 2023  |  0 comments

It's not uncommon to underexpose landscape photos when shooting in complicated lighting situations. This mistake can be particularly acute when the sun appears within the frame.
