Scott Kelby

Scott Kelby  |  Dec 12, 2018

Q: A picture in a computer hard drive is sent to a printer for printing via a USB cable. The same picture from the same computer from the same hard drive is sent to the same printer via Wi-Fi. Will both prints be of the same quality or will there be some minor unnoticeable differences?

Scott Kelby  |  Aug 16, 2018

Q. What is the latest regarding the problems with the Nikon D750? I bought one of the bad ones and am getting ready to send it back for the third time in hopes they can fix the fuzzy, black, thumb image at 6 o’clock that consumes about 40% of the bottom middle of my shots. This happens intermittently but frequently enough to have ruined both wedding and vacation shots. If I purchase a very recently manufactured D750 will I be OK? Thanks! By the way, I love your column and your well-written, easy-to-understand answers.

Scott Kelby  |  Jun 27, 2018

Q. Can you explain why all cameras are designed to be “right-handed”? What I mean by that is when you are looking on the back, they all have the shutter button on the right side of the camera for shooting a picture. Are there any cameras with the shutter button on the left side that I am not aware of? I would really appreciate your comments on the subject very much. Thank you.

Scott Kelby  |  May 23, 2018

Q. What is the difference between shooting with a straight-up monochrome camera, such as a Leica, and converting in post to a monochrome image? Also, what’s the difference between an in-camera monochrome image and converting to monochrome in post?

Scott Kelby  |  Apr 05, 2018

Q. Now that Adobe has announced a new cloud version of Lightroom, I’m not sure which one I should be using. Should I switch to this new version?

Scott Kelby  |  Mar 07, 2018

Q. I recently purchased a Sony A7R II and have enjoyed the switch to Sony ever since. That said, I have discovered an “issue” with certain aspects of a mirrorless setup. There are times I would like to take shots of a subject at night using a flash. The problem arises when using the EVF to compose with settings that work for the exposure with flash. It is nearly impossible to see anything, as the EVF is just black! I am sure this is not just a problem with Sony EVFs, but other mirrorless cameras as well. Is there a button that you can map, similar to the Nikon “Preview” function? Something that will “light” the EVF so you can see what you have within your frame while composing would be perfect, but I do not recognize the function name within the menus if there is one. Is this just an inherent “problem” with mirrorless cameras with EVFs for now?

Scott Kelby  |  Jan 19, 2018

Q. My Windows 10 computer is old. I built a modest machine a few years ago and am starting to select components for a new build. My question: Do Lightroom and Photoshop use the graphics card to assist in processing images? I convert the Canon 5D Mark IV Raw CR2 files to DNG files and then process them in Lightroom. I then make both 60 percent and 20 percent JPEGs, the former for on-screen viewing and the latter for e-mailing. Rendering DNG and JPEG files is often slow enough to make me impatient. On occasion I process large files in Photoshop and want maximum speed. Will a fast (and expensive) graphics card be a worthwhile expense? I want this new build to last at least four or five years. By the way, if you want to recommend a graphics card and a processor that would be just fine. Thanks!

Scott Kelby  |  Dec 20, 2017

Q. The idea of shooting in Raw on your DSLR and then importing those Raw images into your tablet or phone to edit is pretty ludicrous to me. I don’t know of anyone who has enough free space on their mobile phone to edit even a day’s worth of vacation shooting. Are people really buying into this?

Scott Kelby  |  Nov 02, 2017

Q. In the July 2017 issue, one of the questions dealt with processing black-and-white images in Lightroom as opposed to shooting black and white in camera. One of your suggestions was using add-on programs in Lightroom such as Nik’s Silver Efex Pro to “open up a whole new world of black-and-white possibilities.” How much more benefit or advantage do you get from using an add-on program versus just learning the advanced features of Lightroom and creating the effects yourself? Is it worth spending the extra money on the add-ons or should you just learn to use Lightroom more efficiently?

Scott Kelby  |  Oct 13, 2017

Q. I read that Google is no longer supporting the Nik Collection of plug-ins and I’m afraid that one day soon my beloved plug-ins will stop working. Do you think Google will reconsider and update the plug-in if a Mac or Windows update (or Photoshop or Lightroom) breaks it?
