Steve Meltzer

Steve Meltzer  |  Mar 05, 2020

A few weeks ago during a photo shoot, I dropped and fatally damaged one of my cameras. Since I live a good distance from any urban area with a camera shop, I always go online to buy camera and lenses.

Steve Meltzer  |  Dec 18, 2019

Sharpness in photographs has long been a topic of debate among photographers. Once it was about the sharpness of film and formats, but today it’s about things like sensor size and shooting Raw vs. JPEG files. I find these discussions pretty quickly become esoteric and pixel picky. I prefer a hands-on approach to improving sharpness in photos and that’s what these tips are all about. 

Steve Meltzer  |  Nov 06, 2019

A smartphone is, in a way, the gateway drug that can lead to a lifelong addiction to photography. For millions of aspiring photographers, these multi-purpose devices are their first introduction to image-making and many smartphone users eventually get hooked on the craft.

Steve Meltzer  |  Oct 15, 2019

I shoot most of my photos using the LCD screen on the back of my cameras rather than looking through the eyepiece viewfinder. I prefer the LCD screen for several reasons and I think other photographers should seriously consider how the rear monitor can actually make photography easier and your images better.

Steve Meltzer  |  Sep 17, 2019

On September 9, 2019, legendary photographer Robert Frank died at the age of 94. At the heart of Frank's photographic legacy was his groundbreaking book "The Americans." As one critic wrote about that seminal book: "(it) changed the nature of photography, what it could say and how it could say it. It remains perhaps the most influential photography book of the 20th century."

Steve Meltzer  |  Jan 16, 2018

Arthur Tress is a master storyteller who first gained recognition with his hauntingly beautiful book of images: The Dream Collector (Richmond, Westover 1972). The book was a challenge to the photographic ethos of its time.

Steve Meltzer  |  Jan 26, 2017

Great photographs are not the result of great cameras. Superb cameras help, but the real secret to making great images is the ability to see photographs in your mind’s eye before you take them. Once this ability to “pre-visualize” an image is learned, it quickly becomes second nature. Here are five simple tips to jump-start your thinking outside the camera.

Steve Meltzer  |  Dec 29, 2016

The Hôtel Déclic is a photographer’s theme park wrapped in the luxury of an elegant 4-star hotel in Paris, France. I discovered it as I was planning a trip to the City of Lights for the publication of a new book of my photographs.

Steve Meltzer  |  Jul 13, 2016

Like the Olympus Pen, the Panasonic GX8 and the Fujifilm X-T10, the Df’s clean lines, sharp edges and large controls are reminiscent of the finest cameras of film’s glory days in the 1980s and 1990s. They are part of the “retro style” trend that, in the words of the inimitable Yogi Berra, is “déjà vu all over again.”

Steve Meltzer  |  May 05, 2016

The decisive moment had decisively passed and I missed another great shot: While framing and reframing my zoom lens the scene changed, the sun slid behind a cloud, and people in the shot moved. I finally realized I was missing shots because I had too much gear. 
