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Ron Leach  |  Aug 08, 2016  | 

While most photographers in Rio de Janeiro now have their lenses trained on athletes at the Olympics, Joe Capra of Scientifantastic spent time there a year ago creating this ultra-HD timelapse of the city’s most iconic cityscapes. He used an extreme resolution PhaseOne IQ180 digital medium format camera system to shoot hundreds of 80-megapixel images.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 05, 2016  | 

We can think of few better ways to spend a minute and a half of your Friday afternoon than watching the short and fun animated video below titled “A History of the Photo Camera.”

Ron Leach  |  Aug 04, 2016  | 

The Nikon Coolpix P900 is a do-everything, 16-megapixel camera featuring a crazy, 83X built-in zoom lens. In the video below you can watch it get up close and personal with the moon from down here on earth. 

Ron Leach  |  Aug 03, 2016  | 

If you’re like most photographers, you’re a gear freak and love to see what makes things tick. In this fascinating teardown video you can peer inside the high-speed Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 G Master lens and do just that.

The Editors  |  Aug 02, 2016  | 

Professional photographer and Shutterbug contributor James Patrick has no shortage of great photography-related tips so we had him step in front of the camera recently to share them with our readers. 

Ron Leach  |  Aug 01, 2016  | 

OK all you macro photographers, here’s something different and intriguing that you actually CAN try at home. Watch this video from Macro Room, and observe the hidden beauty of pills dissolving in a small tank of water.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 29, 2016  | 

Most bags are relatively easy to describe. Usually, one or two photos are all that’s needed to capture the essence of a gadget bag, photo backpack or other carrying system. But the Wolffepack Capture is unique and, well—here, you decide for yourself. 

Ron Leach  |  Jul 27, 2016  | 

Shiny skin can ruin an otherwise nice portrait, particularly when shooting outdoors on a hot summer day or indoors when you’re using warm lights. Thanks to this video tutorial, however, you can repair those shiny photos with some simple editing techniques using Photoshop or Lightroom.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 27, 2016  | 

This morning Microsoft introduced Pix, a free iPhone app designed to automatically enhance your images and improve upon Apple’s built-in camera app through the use of artificial intelligence, facial recognition, and other advanced technologies. The idea is that Pix is so sophisticated that it takes the guesswork out of smartphone photography.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 25, 2016  | 

We occasionally turn to “The Slow Mo Guys” when we need a good laugh, and the video below sure did the trick. Gavin uses a $150,000 Phantom Flex digital camera at 1000 frames per second to capture Dan eating a cob of corn that’s slathered with ketchup and mounted on an electric drill. Sound stupid? It is.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 25, 2016  | 

If you’re new to Lightroom, or just need some help streamlining your workflow, fear not: After watching this six-minute video tutorial you’ll feel much more confidant when editing your images.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 21, 2016  | 

If you’ve ever attempted to align two or more images in Photoshop, you know it’s not as simple as it looks; and the results are often disappointing. Well, with this pixel-perfect trick from Shutterbug’s “Ask a Pro” columnist Scott Kelby, aligning images IS as easy as it looks—and the results are precise.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 20, 2016  | 

Last month we wrote about a patent filed by Canon for a “smaller and lighter” 1000mm f/5.6 DO super telephoto lens. Well, now they’re at it again—this time with a crazy EF 40-800mm f/4.5-5.6 wide-range zoom for full-frame cameras. 

Ron Leach  |  Jul 20, 2016  | 

This amazing aerial footage shows a lone seal swimming through a huge school of fish off Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia—a popular spot for surfers. The fish create some mesmerizing shapes as the seal passes through their midst, while the surfers observe the action.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 20, 2016  | 

Despite the nearly universal acceptance of Photoshop as the editing program of choice for serious photographers, we’ve been keeping our eye on Affinity Photo—an award winning, $49 software alternative that Apple named the Best Mac App of 2015. Parent company Serif Labs has just upped the ante with version 1.5 that includes an array of new feature for both Mac and Windows users.
