Photoshop How To

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Ron Leach  |  Mar 30, 2022  | 

One of the challenges with all forms of outdoor photography is that scenes often have a wide-range of tones—often beyond the density range of your camera. The best way to deal with situations like these is editing selective portions of the image.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 08, 2022  | 

Experienced photographers are always on the lookout for distracting background elements that can ruin a photo. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to find a different vantage point from which to shoot that excludes the offending junk.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 01, 2020  | 

Most outdoor photographers have had the unfortunate experience of planning a trip to a spot full of great opportunities, only to confront disappointing dull light when arriving at the destination. So what to do? One option is to accept defeat and plan a return trip. But another is to get the gear out, make some images, and use the following Lightroom trick to salvage the day.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 27, 2022  | 

Do your landscape photos lack impact and fail to appear as impressive on the computer as they did through the viewfinder? If so you’re not alone, and in the video below you’ll learn two simple Lightroom tricks for achieving the compelling look you expected.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 07, 2021  | 

Summer means stormy weather, with threatening thunderstorms that offer great opportunities for dramatic landscape imagery—especially when lightning is involved. The challenge to coming up with dramatic photographs is dealing with the complex lighting conditions that electrical storms present.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 26, 2021  | 

Not everyone has an opportunity to go on safari to photograph rare and wild animals, but most of us have a zoo nearby which is often the next best thing. The problem is that most images shot at the zoo look like were shot at the zoo.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 03, 2017  | 

Unmesh Dinda is one of our most popular instructors for in-depth Photoshop tutorials. But this quick video is different, and in just four minutes he demonstrates how to configure Photoshop to greatly simplify and speed up your workflow.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 08, 2017  | 

Unmesh Dinda, one of our favorite image-editing experts, is back with another simple but powerful tutorial. In the video below he demonstrates three techniques for whitening teeth in Photoshop.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 01, 2017  | 

Sound composition skills are important for all forms of photography, but when it come to shooting landscapes, the ability to frame a scene properly is absolutely critical. In this detailed tutorial you’ll learn one pro’s secrets to shooting and editing stunning seascape images.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 20, 2017  | 

Earlier this week we reported on Adobe’s introduction of Lightroom CC a new cloud-based subscription version of the popular software for processing and organizing images on both computers and mobile devices. There are also updates to the previous non-cloud app, now called Lightroom Classic CC, and the video below illustrates the most significant changes.

Ron Leach  |  May 23, 2023  | 

Photoshop’s easy-to-use Gradient too is useful for a wide variety of purposes when editing an image. It enables you to create gradual changes in color and exposure, and there are different type of gradients from which to choose. The popular tool recently received an update, making it faster and more effective than ever.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 28, 2023  | 

We recently featured an eye-opening tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel, explaining a four-step process for streamlining your workflow with any Raw editor you use. The video below demonstrates a practical example of using this straightforward method to make the subjects of your images really stand out.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 17, 2017  | 

Here’s another great tutorial from image-editing expert Jimmy McIntyre. In the video below you'll learn how to really make your landscape images come to life by blending together three images in Photoshop.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 23, 2021  | 

Photographers tend to think they’re the only ones who use Photoshop, but the truth is this powerful software is important to art directors, graphic designers, and many other content creators. So depending upon your needs, Adobe’s workspace options may or may not suit your needs.

Ron Leach  |  May 25, 2017  | 

Here’s a quick tutorial enabling you to create unique images with subjects appearing to float within a scene. The interesting technique involves nothing more than simple editing and compositing of two images in Photoshop and Lightroom. 
