Outdoor Photography How To

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Ron Leach  |  Mar 17, 2022  | 

You’ve no doubt marveled at colorful nighttime light trail photos, and assumed they required advanced skills and special gear. As you’ll see in the tutorial below, nothing could be further from the truth.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 30, 2024  | 

We can't always pick the time of day when we're shooting in the field, and that sometimes means making the most of harsh midday light. This can be a serious problem for all sorts of photography, and it's particularly challenging when making environmental portraits. Distracting shadows, squinting models, and abundant contrast all contribute to this challenging task.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 14, 2022  | 

Nighttime photography is really fun, and offers an opportunity to capture eye-popping photos. You don’t really need any special gear, as long as you know a few tricks.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 03, 2021  | 

Sparkling nighttime skies offer a great opportunity for capturing eye-popping images, but many photographers shy away from astrophotography because they think special gear and complicated techniques are required to do it right. If that sounds like you, the straightforward tutorial below will likely change your mind.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 07, 2020  | 

Whether you live in a big city or in a small town, shooting on the street is an accessible way to capture some striking scenes—both during the day and at night. In this helpful tutorial, a successful pro reveals his favorite camera settings to give street photos the WOW factor.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 13, 2021  | 

Capturing sharp photos is a key goal for all types of photography, but achieving precise focus is particularly challenging when shooting wildlife and other fast-moving subjects outdoors.

Bray Falls  |  Feb 22, 2019  | 

It is sometimes said that astrophotography is one of the most challenging types of photography out there. There are numerous technical problems to overcome, substantial initial investments, and a considerable chance of getting burnt out if you get too frustrated.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 17, 2023  | 

If you're a Shutterbug regular you know that we constantly preach trying new techniques that will expand your skills and deliver images that stand out from the crowd. The five-minute tutorial below explains a simple method for shooting eye-popping photos of cityscapes, candid portraits on the street, and even landscape imagery with a unique look.

Sponsored  |  Jun 10, 2021  | 

Capturing waterfalls with your camera is one of the best things about nature photography. However, since waterfall photography is so common on social media and other locations, you really need to know what you're doing to shoot something unique.

Lynne Eodice  |  Nov 01, 2004  | 

A lot of photo enthusiasts say, "The sun's out--time to take pictures," and put their camera away come nightfall. But if this is your philosophy, you're missing half the fun of photography. You can take some exciting night shots of colorful neon signs, the streaked taillights of traffic in motion, or shadowy figures silhouetted by street lights.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 23, 2023  | 

All landscape photographers love shooting at Golden Hour when the sky is usually filled with amazing colors. But what should you do when the sky is covered with "boring" thick clouds, or you have to shoot at other times of day?

Ron Leach  |  Nov 20, 2024  | 

Shooting great outdoor photographs in perfect light is often quite simple, enabling us to capture impressive images that require a minimum of post processing. Unfortunately, things get far more challenging under less favorable conditions as you'll see in this quick tutorial from the Photography with Rich YouTube channel.

Henry Anderson  |  May 31, 2022  | 

Portrait and beauty photographer Irene Rudnyk is one of the queens of the beach photo shoots on YouTube. A few months ago, we shared an awesome behind-the-scenes (BTS) video of Rudnyk’s tips for capturing backlit photos of a swimsuit model at the beach. Now she’s back with another great beach photography tutorial and BTS video on how to shoot gorgeous golden hour portraits.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 03, 2024  | 

Not long ago we featured an interesting Photoshop tutorial explaining how to transform ho-hum daylight scenes into spellbinding photographs that appear as though they we're shot at night. Today's tutorial is about the real thing, with several pro tips demonstrating how to capture dramatic landscape imagery after the sun drops below the horizon.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 03, 2019  | 

Landscape photographer Mark Denney recently returned from a photography trip to Yosemite and came back with five great shooting ideas he says will improve your landscape photos this summer.
