Buying Your First Flash
If The Shoe Mount Fits, Wear It
You can go your entire life using a 35mm SLR and its built-in flash without ever buying an accessory electronic flash unit. If you don't mind compromise. The built-in flash takes fairly long to recycle and may not be ready when you are to take the picture; it has limited reach, to perhaps 10 or 15 ft; redeye-reduction mode wastes precious time that may result in lost picture opportunities; and this type of flash doesn't leave much room for artistic expression. On top of which, the built-in flash proves a serious drain on the camera's batteries. So, after coming to the conclusion that an external flash can be useful, where do we start? The obvious and first choice is a shoe mount. An accessory flash is, admittedly, an added expense. But it need not be expensive. Just don't expect any bells and whistles from a truly inexpensive model. The good news: you can get a very functional flash for under $100. |
For Starters Automatic flash units gained popularity for another reason. They incorporate thyristor circuitry that more efficiently uses the energy stored in the flash unit's capacitor, in essence recycling unused energy and channeling it back into the system, resulting in shorter flash durations and faster recycling times. This means that the flash would be ready sooner--all based on the auto-sensor reading, plus batteries effectively go further. As an analogy, think of a refrigerator closing automatically (and saving energy) the moment you made a decision, instead of waiting to be manually closed, which means you'll be able to open it again sooner (less time required for the vacuum seal to re-pressurize). |
Select flash units even let you use power ratios, using less energy to start with. This option may exist for manual or automatic mode--it varies with the flash. Often it's used to support a winder mode, but works equally well if you know a nearby subject needs less light: Start with less, and save. For auto-sensor flash to work properly, the sensor must remain aimed at the subject. If you tilt or rotate the entire flash unit that orients the sensor incorrectly, which will result in an erroneous flash exposure. Fortunately, most flash heads can be tilted or swiveled independently, with the sensor in place, in the original orientation, thereby preventing exposure error. Exposure settings with automatic, as well as manual flash need to be adjusted when most filters and lens extension are used to prevent underexposure. TTL auto-flash, or simply TTL (Through The Lens) flash, bypasses the need to interpret a flash calculator because the flash receives all this data from the camera. With a few key settings in place on flash and camera, you're ready to go--with all data digitally displayed (where LCD panels are employed). Because light readings continue to be TTL, the use of filters and lens attachments is accommodated when the flash is directed to deliver its burst of light. TTL flash units often boast added functionality, with prices to match, easily costing up to several hundred dollars with all the bells and whistles; much less for modest TTL units. |
Making Attachments: The
First Level As cameras and flash units became more sophisticated, the simple individual contact point became an array of matching multiple contacts (two or more--on flash and camera). We moved from simply providing the means to trigger the flash to adding some level of microprocessor-controlled electronic communication between flash and camera. Flash units were now "dedicated." Whereas earlier, any hot shoe flash could be used with any hot shoe capable camera, now the flash had to be matched specifically to the camera model (or system camera). This dedicated connection tells the camera--and you--when the flash is ready to fire (fully charged) and sets the correct flash sync speed on your focal plane shutter SLR automatically (assuming basic settings are in place). |
Why does sync speed matter? With focal plane shutter cameras (the typical 35mm SLR), if the shutter speed set on the camera is too fast, the shutter curtain movement and flash burst are out of sync and only part of the frame is exposed to flash. On the other hand, when too slow a speed is used, the ambient light may be enough to record a secondary, ghost image--which many photographers actually use to advantage, to add depth or a dynamic element to the picture, when done well. Making A Truly Dedicated
Connection |
A zooming head largely does away with the need for accessory wide angle and telephoto panels to match the lens focal length and more efficiently use the light. Zooming is automatic (often with manual overrides) on TTL flash, and largely transparent to the end user, except for some LED or LCD indication on the flash. Other flash units may be equipped with a mechanically operated zoom head, with concomitant changes in the unit's appearance. Where an override option exists, use the tele-zoom setting to spotlight a person, or limit the reach of light at the wider settings. (The flash may also feature a built-in, manually positioned super-wide panel, to accommodate even shorter focal lengths.) Bounce flash requires the head to tilt upward, at the very least, although a nearby wall may prove a more suitable reflecting surface--hence the swivel movement. Because overhead bounce flash tends to produce harsh shadows under the eyes, select strobes feature a built-in secondary flash tube, that, when activated, shunts some power away from the main flash head in order to provide fill. |
Some strobes also feature a downward tilt, for close-ups. With the flash seated in the hot shoe, this downward, or negative, tilt may result in throwing the subject (partially) in shadow, because the lens or lens shade is blocking the light. A more effective solution would be to use the flash off-camera, with a sync cord, while diffusing the light, or to employ a ring flash or other flash specially designed for macro work. News Flash |
With flash, it is not the camera's shutter speed that counts as part of the exposure. Instead, it's the flash duration. So, in our classic E(xposure) = I(ntensity) x T(ime) equation, "T" is now flash duration. "I" remains the lens aperture, or f/stop. Moreover, at any given film speed, the f/stop determines the reach of the flash (without zooming the flash head or using accessory panels): the larger the f/stop, the greater the reach; the smaller the f/stop, the more restricted the distance covered by the flash. (In other words, to keep a distracting backdrop in relative or possibly total darkness, use a small f/stop designed to reach only the subject. This may also render intrusive background shadows invisible.) Getting Wired Dedicated auto-flash and TTL flash cameras take this one step further. The cable fits into the camera's hot shoe and extends from there to the flash. Or, the dedicated connection may instead attach to an electronic terminal on the camera, with a locking mechanism. A few dedicated automatic flash units allow the sensor to be removed from the flash and mounted atop the hot shoe, seated in an adapter with a cable attached for off-camera flash. Any way you look at it, this design ensures a more secure connection, as standard PC cords have a tendency to pull free or wear with use. Some TTL flash capable SLRs may still feature X sync, for use with conventional flash units, letting you directly attach a standard PC cord to the X terminal on the camera or indirectly to the hot shoe, via a hot shoe adapter. Unless you plan to hand hold the off-camera flash, you'll need something to support it. One option is to mount it atop a flash bracket. Flash brackets come in all sizes and configurations. Some flash units today come with their own, convenient miniature stand. Numerous TTL flash units also support wireless TTL flash, when used together with the appropriate cameras. Power Up |
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