What’s your choice on memory card capacity?

What’s your choice on memory card capacity?
I use the biggest capacity I can so I don’t run out during a shoot.
29% (69 votes)
I just shoot low res JPEGs, so any reasonable card capacity will do.
2% (4 votes)
I like to keep it limited to a max 8GB and carry a few cards... just in case.
70% (168 votes)
Total votes: 241

Husky's picture

The bigger the card the more to lose if things go wrong. I prefer to carry a few smaller cards with me than put all my eggs in one basket as it were!

iclick's picture

I shoot both Hi Res JPG and Raw simultaneously and at 22MP I can fill several of the 32GB cards in a days shooting. If I used only 8GB cards it would be like going back to the days of having extra backs loaded with film and changing cameras while an assistant reloaded the backs every few minutes.

I also only use 600X cards and a 3.0 USB reader so as to be able to upload the cards quickly.