Student Union - Jonathan Gorr

Jonathan Gorr
Dillard Center for the Arts
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Close Encounters
It seems to be the discovery aspect of close-up photography that attracts Jonathan most at this point. He mentions the textures and contrasts that the world reveals "when you really look at it" through a macro lens. The drawback of capturing the images you see here: "It's
time-consuming...just the repetition of placing them in an area I want them to be."

At 14, Jonathan already has compiled an impressive list of accomplishments, including publication, stock and print sales, and gallery exhibits. Though it's a little early for him to be thinking definitively about a career--"I don't have a specific interest," he says of the art forms he's experiencing--he expects photography to play a primary role in whatever the future holds.

All Photos © 2008, Jonathan Gorr, All Rights Reserved

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