Personal Project; California’s Photo Arts Group; An Informal Group Creates Extraordinary Imagery Page 2
Dan Griffith
“I spent 15 years in the Texas oil fields and more time installing underground pipelines, so I welcomed outdoor photography when I got into it. After serious health problems and a tedious recovery time, I joined the Redlands (CA) Camera Club where I met Frank Peele, a Photo Arts member, and I joined the group. At first, critiques of my photographs made me wonder when I’d be shooting worthwhile pictures. When I began to listen and understood better what veteran shooters were telling me, I started to relax and grow.
“Two members of our Photo Arts group suggested that I start showing my work at the Annual Joshua Tree National Park Association Art Show. I submitted and was accepted. This picture at Joshua Tree National Park was taken with a Canon Rebel XTi, and converted to infrared. The lens was a Tamron 28-300mm f/3.5, on manual, at f/8 and 1⁄160 sec, ISO 50, on Ilford Pan F.”
Jim Smart
“I developed an interest in photography more than 50 years ago when in a high school photo class I made a pinhole camera, and also shot with a Speed Graphic. Much later I thought I could avoid the digital revolution, but was forced to succumb a few years ago when I became advisor to the school newspaper at California State University, San Bernardino, where I teach journalism, written and photographed. My students were already converts, and I had to learn enough to instruct them. I now use Adobe’s Photoshop 4, Lightroom, and Apple computers, and print on an Epson 3800.
“The image entitled Joshua Tree Mountain was captured with a Hasselblad 503CX and a 60mm lens at f/5.6 at 1⁄125 sec, on Kodak 400NC ASA film. I got out just before it started to rain.”
Charlie Teel
“I became interested in photography after a severe heart attack in 1991. I had crime scene photography experience in civilian and military law enforcement, and later took a landscape photography workshop in Twentynine Palms, California. After winning a few awards I was encouraged and learned more at one- and two-day photography seminars. Most importantly, I had valuable technical help from veteran photographer friends. My health has remained relatively stable, though I do seek photo opportunities closer to roads.
“The Gila Cliff Dwellings shot in New Mexico consists of three images stitched together in Adobe’s Photoshop CS4. The hike to the area is a mile round trip, including a relatively steep climb, so I left my tripod in the car, and carried my Nikon D300 with a Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 lens. To get the image I wanted at these ancient dwellings, it was apparent I would have to take multiple shots at ISO 400, my lens at 24mm and f/5.6 at 1⁄125 sec. I braced myself against a rock wall and carefully shot three images. At home I combined them and adjusted brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation, to match the reflected light in each segment of the panorama.”
Pat Murphy
“I began shooting 35mm with a Petri FTE I bought at a neighborhood yard sale in 1977. I wanted to share some sights I witnessed on fishing, hunting, and hiking trips. I’m retired from working 30 years at a salt mine in the Mojave Desert, and I spend full-time with photography and other hobbies. Joshua Tree National Park is adjacent to my home, and I’ve found an endless supply of interesting subjects to photograph.
“Barker Dam, showing the last of the sun’s rays on a cold December day, was taken with a Nikon D200 and a Sigma 12-24mm f/4.5 lens. Exposure was f/9 at 1⁄100 sec at ISO 100. Saturation was increased in Adobe’s Photoshop Elements 7.”
Frank Peele
“I’m a semiretired Certified Professional Photographer based in Redlands, California, specializing in commercial and fine art photography. Bitten by the ‘photo bug’ as a youngster, I was eager to learn from my father who was a career US Navy photographer. Using his 4x5 Speed Graphic, I shot my first commercial job at the age of 13. I enlisted in the Navy after high school to attend the Navy’s excellent photo school in Pensacola, Florida. As it turned out, the Navy offered so many great opportunities that I stayed for 30 years and had the good fortune of assignments from darkroom work to directing motion pictures, teaching in the Advanced Photo School, navigating photo-reconnaissance jets over Vietnam, and commanding the Pacific Fleet’s photographic forces. I retired in 1988 as a Commander.
“I was named California Scenic Photographer of the Year for 2001 and Inland Empire Commercial Photographer of the Year several times. I use 4x5 and medium format film cameras when it’s appropriate, but these days my work is more often done with Canon digital equipment.
“Feelin’ Cranky, Keys Ranch, Joshua Tree National Park: Pump casting shot with a Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, a Mamiya 140mm f/4.5 macro lens on Kodak Portra 160 color neg film. Exposure not recorded. Minor corrections made with Adobe’s Photoshop CS.”
For more information on this group, contact Lou Jacobs Jr. via e-mail at:
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