How Do You Pick Your Best Photos Over the Duds? One Pro Explains His Culling Process (VIDEO)
Whether you photograph portraits in the studio or wildlife in the field, a daylong shoot usually results in the onerous task of culling through dozens if not hundreds of images to select the best shots.
In the revealing video below, top pro Nino Batista explains his process for choosing the “keepers” from a large batch of really nice shots of a pretty model. Batista is a Houston-based commercial, portrait, and automotive photographer who also teaches master classes around the country on the art of photographing models.
Batista explains the difference between shot selection for a client and the approach he takes for personal projects. Regardless of the type of photography you do, his advice is guaranteed to save you some time. You can find more helpful videos on Batista’s YouTube channel. And be sure to look at our earlier story on the best way to display images after you’ve chosen and printed your favorites.
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