Become Your Own Publisher; Online Photo Books And Albums Page 2
7) Pick a cover image that's strong and that reflects what's inside. Then choose a cover material--cloth or leather--that contrasts with that image so it "pops."
8) Above all, vary the visual rhythm and tone as you progress page by page through the album. Keep it interesting.
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And Captions, Too
How about words to go with your pictures? Images, especially your own, trigger
memories, observations, and feelings, and words can enhance the impact of pictures.
The most obvious text includes album title, picture locations, people's
names, and relevant dates, but if you have more to say, and many of us do, this
is an ideal place to say it. Among the most satisfying things I have ever done
was to write introductions and extended captions for each of my five traditionally
published books. Just follow your own muse.
This new way of creating your own photo books and albums should stimulate you
to retrieve some oldies but goodies from your image files and breathe new life
into them...or maybe you'll be inspired to assign yourself a new photography
project that will make a great album. You'll probably look at your albums
many times over many years, so allow yourself adequate time to create something
memorable. You may find that putting the album together is as creatively satisfying
as taking the pictures themselves.
Choosing An Online Publisher
While most vendors are fundamentally the same (the list later does not include
some higher-end companies), there is a wide array of variations. Some allow
pictures to be placed anywhere on the page; others have restrictive templates.
Some offer many template variations, others relatively few. Some offer full-page
cover photos and dust jackets, others don't. You get the idea, so meander
through a few sites and see whether they offer the features that are important
to you. I used four different vendors and found the quality of the printing
impressive, especially considering the cost. Most delivered the albums within
several days of placing the order. Note that most image-editing programs, such
as Apple's Aperture, also offer publishing options right from inside the
Here's just a partial list of online album publishers:
The photographer of five books, Steve Gottlieb is the director of Horizon Photography
Workshops. His work can be seen at
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