I also seen the camera lens which provide up to 8x zoom that is only use for iPhone. In fact several accessories and addons for iPhone are now in the market that help digital photography more convenient and portable. You can even take a phot just using Bluetooth iphone keyboard. Apps are also encouraging and very helpful to those who are into photography using iPhone.
Adorama Online Shop For iPhone Photo Accessories
Products in Adorama’s iPhone Toolshed include innovative devices that take advantage of the iPhone 4/4S’s new ability to shoot high-definition video. Among these are Cineskates, a clever combination of flexible tripod and skateboard wheels that allows the iPhone to shoot rolling, high-definition video clips. Likewise, the Kogeto Dot lets the iPhone capture 360-degree immersive video that can be played back on an iPhone or computer, with finger- or mouse-controlled navigation.
Adorama’s hand-picked choices also feature highly practical items for both still photography and video. Belkin’s LiveAction Camera Grip, for example, allows the iPhone to be held just like a normal compact camera. (A top-deck shutter button connects electronically to the iPhone through the grip’s docking plug.) This ability reduces the risk of a blurred image, which is otherwise high with the iPhone because of the fingertip-grip required by the its thin profile.
Then there’s the elegant Glif, a simple, form-fitting holder that allows the iPhone to be mounted on a tripod. The Glif doubles as a slip-on stand for more comfortable, angled viewing of photos and video. (FaceTime, too.) And the Olloclip is a tiny optical hub that slips right over the lens corner of your iPhone—endowing the device with wide-angle, fisheye, and close-up optical options.
As more and more accessories for what has come to be called iPhoneography appear in the burgeoning iPhone marketplace, Adorama will add to the iPhone Toolshed, which can be visited at adorama.com/iphonetoolshed. But any new product featured in this online emporium will have to meet a high standard of inventiveness and/or practicality, as evaluated by Adorama’s resident experts. First-time visitors to the iPhone Toolshed should be sure to return for a second look—to see what other imaginative devices the iPhone has inspired.
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