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Henry Anderson  |  Sep 18, 2020  | 

If you're looking to put your best foot forward this weekend, we've got a photography tutorial that's sure to curl your toes. Aside from, perhaps, hand shots, photos of feet are one of the most common images you see in advertising. And, of course, someone has to take all these lucrative feet photos, so why not get your foot in the door with this burgeoning artform today?

Ron Leach  |  Sep 17, 2020  | 

Landscape photographers walk a fine line when heading into the great outdoors, when it comes choosing the gear to pack. On the one hand, it’s important to be prepared for whatever you encounter. Conversely, it’s nice to minimize your load, especially if you plan a long hike.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 16, 2020  | 

Over the past few years there’s been a shift from DSLR cameras to mirrorless models among amateurs and pros alike. But as you’ll see in the video below, it’s still a bit premature to ring the death knell for the trusty DSLR—at least for certain applications.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 15, 2020  | 

There are lots of so-called rules in photography established over centuries of shooting. But, as the saying goes, rules are made to be broken! And in photography, when you break the rules it can often lead to some very interesting images.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 10, 2020  | 

Macro photography is always a lot of fun, whether you’re shooting budding flowers in spring, the creepy crawlies of summer, colorful leaves in autumn, or the magical snowflakes of winter. Capturing great close-ups doesn’t require much in the way of specialized gear, but it’s important to know what you’re doing. And that’s what this tutorial is all about.

Henry Anderson  |  Sep 09, 2020  | 

There's no easy way to capture a great portrait, or is there? Bach Photography thinks there are some tricks that will, at least, make things easier for you as a portrait photographer while helping you produce better images.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 09, 2020  | 

Proper focusing techniques are important for all types of photography, and that’s especially true when shooting animals in the wild. Some photographers prefer to activate autofocus with their trigger finger on the shutter release button, while others swear by a method known as “back button focus.” So which approach works best? Read on.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 08, 2020  | 

Whether you’re shooting portraits of a beautiful model, or wildlife in the field, one way to turn a good image into a great one is to capture some life in your subject’s eyes. While that’s not always possible when photographing animals in the field under difficult light, it’s easy to add a bit of eye-popping sparkle when editing your images later.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 08, 2020  | 

One fail-safe technique for making images that elicit oohs and aahs is to shoot with a long exposure to smooth out motion and create a unique, ethereal effect. And the tutorial below provides five helpful tips for nailing long-exposure photographs with ease.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 07, 2020  | 

If you're just starting out in photography but don't know where to begin, the below video from Mango Street is a great place to start. 

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 03, 2020  | 

DSLRS are old. DSLRs' technology is ancient. DSLRs are dead. You've heard all these arguments before on why someone would be crazy to buy a digital SLR with its antiquated flappy mirror system today considering all the advances in the current crop of mirrorless cameras.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 03, 2020  | 

A couple days ago we shared the views of a Dutch pro, insisting that a telephoto lens is often a better choice for landscape photography than a wide-angle lens. Today we’re going to dig a bit deeper, with the following tutorial on how to choose the best focal length when photographing the great outdoors.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 02, 2020  | 

The latest edition of Shutterbug's monthly Exploring Light column, where pro photographers from Canon's Explorers of Light program offer tips, tricks and photo advice, is a little different from previous installments.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 02, 2020  | 

According to landscape pro Mark Denney, there are six essential editing skills that every landscape photographer should know.
