Lens News

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Mike Stensvold  |  Feb 01, 2004  |  1 comments







Next to your camera body, the lenses you use with it are your most important photographic purchases. While physically, a lens is just a collection of glass or plastic elements held precisely in position in a light-tight tube, with a camera mount on one end and some means of focusing, creatively it's your...

The Editors  |  Aug 01, 2003  |  1 comments

Sun & Games Fun with the sun...and more

1. Sun Stars
Your wide-angle lens at its smallest aperture can turn the sun into a star in your photos—fitting, since the sun actually is a star. The effect occurs because the tiny aperture diffracts the incoming light rays a lot. This diffraction causes the star effect. You can include the sun as a compositional. Photo by...

Mike Stensvold  |  Jun 01, 2002  |  0 comments









A great tool for creative photographers

You can't beat the 35mm SLR for its combination of features, price and performance. And one its best features is its ability to accept a wide range of interchangeable lenses. From superwide fisheye to supertelephoto, macro...

Jay Abend  |  May 01, 1999  |  0 comments

One of the most important tips that I give aspiring photographers who own modern 35mm cameras is to learn to use their cameras totally manually. That's right, turn off the autoexposure and the autofocus, set the motor drive to single frame, and use...
