John Rettie

John Rettie  |  Jul 01, 2010

I woke up startled—I was about to cross the border into North Korea. I was cramped; it felt like I was stuffed in economy class on a bad airline. It was so bad I could hear the rain pounding away outside. It was pitch black. Worse yet, I did not have my passport with me. What was going to happen to me? As I came to, I realized I was not dreaming anymore.


John Rettie  |  Jul 01, 2003

Build Your Own Color Imaging Computer

Don't worry; you will not need a soldering iron to build your own computer. In fact all you need is a Phillips screwdriver and maybe a pair of needle nose pliers. But then, why would anyone build...

John Rettie  |  Mar 01, 2002

Sony has been the most successful seller of digital cameras in the last few years, with the largest share of the market for any camera maker. Considering a digital camera is more akin to a computer than to a camera that is perhaps not so...

John Rettie  |  Mar 01, 2002

If you think that the lack of battery life is a new phenomenon that has only come to the forefront since digital cameras hit the market, you're wrong. Long-time photographers will tell you it was the advent of electronic flash guns that triggered...

John Rettie  |  Sep 01, 2001

For serious photographers the holy grail of digital SLR cameras will be the one that produces images as good as those obtained in a high-end camera using 35mm film. Currently, there's little dispute that digital images obtained...