Monte Zucker

Monte Zucker  |  May 01, 2003

Master Class

When I think back at my favorite travel photographs they almost invariably turn out to be of the people I ran into along the way. There are exceptions, of course. For the most part, however, as much as I look for...

Monte Zucker  |  Apr 01, 2003  |  First Published: Apr 01, 2002

Master Class

You may wonder what I do when I'm on vacation. You guessed it--take pictures! Memories are made from snapshots like these that I created recently on a trip to Florida's Keys. Now, when I look back at...

Monte Zucker  |  Mar 01, 2003

Master Class

Creating Backgrounds From Within The Original Pictures

This simple photograph was sort of fun to create. First of all, I had professional models and all the time in the world to make the image. It was made during a shoot to create an ad for the...

Monte Zucker  |  Feb 01, 2003

Master Class

But when a photograph is limited to black and white and tones of gray, one has to really know the ropes before he can tie...
Monte Zucker  |  Jan 01, 2003

Master Class

Sure, it's nice to shoot outside just before sunset with the "sweet light." But it's just as nice to be able to shoot all day long. That's what...

Monte Zucker  |  Jan 01, 2003  |  First Published: Jan 01, 2004

Shooting digitally has made it easier for me to photograph black people. I can see what I'm doing as I'm creating each image...

Monte Zucker  |  Dec 01, 2002

Master Class

For the first time in years I decided to plan a photographic vacation this year, but not to one of those crowded popular tourist attractions you see advertised in all the magazines. I took my cameras to Ely, Minnesota. Never heard of it? News commentator, Charles Kuralt...

Monte Zucker  |  Nov 01, 2002

My story begins as I was taking my sunrise walk around the top deck of the Imagination. We were visiting Key West on our first stop. I got up early enough to catch the first light of dawn. It was a golden glow that I will remember for the rest of my life. Why?

Monte Zucker  |  Oct 01, 2002

In actuality, our stroll through the park only took one afternoon. With these monthly articles, however, it's taken three months to show you what we did. I guess that one of these days I should write another book so that you can sit down at one reading and absorb it...

Monte Zucker  |  Sep 01, 2002

I began my column last month by saying, "I really never know what to expect when I'm taking one of my classes on a field trip." Boy, is that the truth! Since I began this column a couple of weeks ago I've been on several more field trips, all of which have continued to...
