The Canon Digital Rebel line accomplished a number of things. It broke the
$1000 DSLR price barrier, with room to spare, and as a result brought DSLR photography
into the mainstream. What followed is history, with other makers bringing forth
their "bargain"...
Photography by definition is "drawing with light." It is creating a frame around a play of light that translates to a continuous tonal image. That definition helps identify one of the most important aspects of the craft, which is first seeing and then understanding how the play of light influences the image; how it expresses the photographer's vision and creates...
To celebrate the release of Corel's Paint Shop Pro Photo Art Suite--a complete software tool kit that helps users manage, fix, and add a creative touch to their digital photos--Corel and Shutterbug sponsored the Photo Art Masters Search contest. With the Photo Art Suite, users can turn their digital photos into striking paintings that look like real works of art.
One look at the specs of this new Tamron zoom and you'll understand why
it's immediately attractive to anyone carrying around a digital SLR in
their day bag. Weighing in at around 15 oz and measuring just under 3x3.2",
the lens is quite the marvel of size for what it delivers in focal length and
aperture options. Indeed, if someone told me that a constant aperture, 17mm
wide lens would be this size a few years back I'd have thought they had
lost their optical marbles. To be fair, however, that 17mm is not really a 17mm
in 35mm equivalent, thus practical terms, and I wonder why lenses like this
are still labeled that way. This lens is only for APS-C sensors, which means
it has the "35mm equivalent" of a 27mm wide angle view and 80mm
Tamron's new 17-50mm zoom, available in Canon, Nikon, Konica
Minolta (read Sony), and Pentax (read Samsung) mounts is highly
portable and compact.
We recently had another scare about black and white printing papers and supplies, what with the recent rumor that Ilford would be closing shop in the US and Canada. It was just that--a rumor, based on the fact that a consumer electronics distribution firm would now be handling the distribution of their fine line of papers. And, we have been assured that a knowledgeable tech...
The recent incidents in England have made for heightened awareness about airline
travel and questions about what can and cannot be carried on. The restrictions
are quite severe for travel to England and through trips connecting in Heathrow,
Given that we all have seen a shrinking in silver-based materials in general
in the last year, and in light of Kodak exiting the black and white paper business,
and Agfa leaving the black and white (and all photo) business altogether, we
were all leftwo...
The new Nikon D80 replaces the D70 and D70s, and becomes Nikon's mid-level
DSLR aimed squarely at photo enthusiasts and advanced amateurs. Having had a
brief time with the camera at a one-on-one session with Nikon, there are many
aspects that are marked improvement...
Whenever I need a visual shot in the arm I take my camera to somewhere I've never been, or switch lenses, or both. As this issue is weighted toward the exploration of optics, I'll focus here on the changing lenses part of the equation.
All of us have a favorite lens, the one that best expresses our vision, and that delivers the crisp images we...