Mirrorless Camera News

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Ron Leach  |  May 28, 2024  | 

Whether you own a new mirrorless camera or shoot with a long-time friend, choosing the best settings for your style of photography is one key to achieving optimum results. If you're thinking to yourself, "I've already configured my camera properly," think again because there may be a few oft-ignored camera settings that you should at least try out.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 22, 2024  | 

Fujifilm announced new products in both the FX and GFX series, doubling down on their commitment to Film Simulation expansion and large-sensor digital photography.

Ron Leach  |  May 15, 2024  | 

So you just purchased a new camera and it's time to undertake the task of configuring it properly to suit your particular style of shooting so you "can grab the most out of the sensor." As a Shutterbug reader you've no doubt done this before and know that the menu contains of myriad of default settings you may want to change.

Ron Leach  |  May 07, 2024  | 

The two questions in the headline above have been debated for years, and the queries keep coming as new high-res cameras continue to be introduced with no apparent slowdown in sight. There's no one correct answer to either question, because it all depends upon the type of photos you shoot, how you typically use them, and a number of other key considerations.

Ron Leach  |  May 06, 2024  | 

We've been exploring a variety of exposure modes over the past month, explaining the benefits of Shutter Priority for avoiding camera and subject movement, how to use Scene modes in unfamiliar situations, and why one pro says, "Forget Manual Mode and use Priority instead."

Ron Leach  |  May 02, 2024  | 

There's nothing more frustrating that capturing a beautiful landscape scene, thinking that you totally nailed focus and exposure, only to return home, view the image on the computer, and discover that you didn't get the light right after all. Sure, you can fix many exposure problems during post processing, but wouldn't you rather get things right in the camera?

Ron Leach  |  Apr 26, 2024  | 

Most experienced photographers turn up their noses at the Program exposure mode, preferring to shoot in Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, or Manual. But as you'll see in this quick video from the Great Big Photography World channel, there are situations under which this "beginner" mode makes total sense—even if you have advanced skills.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 19, 2024  | 

We often discuss the ramifications of various exposure modes offered by today's modern cameras, and most of the time these tutorials involve a choice between Manual mode and Aperture Priority. But what about the oft-ignored Shutter Priority mode, and when and how should you use it?

Ron Leach  |  Apr 11, 2024  | 

Unless you're shooting with a full-frame camera, crop factor is an important issue in a variety of ways. And to complicate matters, there are a variety of crop factors to consider, whether you're using an APS-C model, a high-end compact, a superzoom camera, or a pocket camera of various types.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 20, 2024  | 

One of the first things we do when configuring a new camera is deciding whether to set the Color Space to Adobe RGB or sRGB. And this isn't a set-it-and-forget-it choice because the mode you select depends upon how you plan to use the photos you capture.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 15, 2024  | 

Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm and other top-tier camera and lens makers offer refurbished products directly to end users via special pages on their website. You can save some dough, but do you want to own a renewed product? Let's unpack this…

Ron Leach  |  Mar 13, 2024  | 

There's a lot of hype about the "superiority" of full-frame cameras these days, and it's important to separate the marketing chatter from the difference in sensor size as pertains to your particular style of photography. If you're thinking about "stepping up" we encourage you to watch this video before making the switch.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 07, 2024  | 

Leica just announced the Leica SL3, the third model in their storied SL series of mirrorless cameras. Shutterbug was given access to a not-quite-final sample for several days. Here's our report and a small gallery of images we captured.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Feb 26, 2024  | 

Want to save BIG when purchasing a top-level mirrorless camera? Here's the rundown on five highly desirable models and five ways MPB can help you save money buying one.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 22, 2024  | 

We'd all love to shoot with the best equipment that money can buy, but most of us simply can't afford that luxury. But guess what? According to one of our favorite outdoor photographers, "It's possible to capture pro-quality images with entry level gear."
