Mirrorless Camera News

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Ron Leach  |  Jun 06, 2023  | 

If you've been following Shutterbug you know how we feel about the so-called Rules of Photography; namely, sometimes they're meant to be broken. Likewise, there are several digital photography myths that need to be ignored.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 03, 2023  | 

There are a multitude of reasons why what you observe in the field may appear vastly different than the image you capture unless you make adjustments while shooting or do so later during the editing process. The quick video below from the Hoffman Photography YouTube channel explores an "enlightening" oft-ignored fact.

Ron Leach  |  May 23, 2023  | 

The quick tutorial below from the Adorama TV YouTube channel is all about the basics of using ISO when selecting your camera settings, and when choosing the sensitivity setting should be the first thing you do. Then, depending upon light levels and the scene at hand, you can modify shutter speed and f/stop if need be.

Ron Leach  |  May 22, 2023  | 

Some photographers think all that’s involved is a decision to frame a scene in either a vertical or horizontal orientation. But as you’ll see in the tutorial below, there’s much more that factors into the equation. One is creative cropping, and another is whether to modify the native aspect ratio of the camera you use—which varies from one model to another.

Ron Leach  |  May 16, 2023  | 

We’ve said this before and we’ll probably repeat it in the future: The notion that “you’re not a real photographer unless you shoot in Manual mode” is simply absurd. And there’s vast array of stunning imagery captured by acclaimed professional photographers that easily prove the point.

Ron Leach  |  May 12, 2023  | 

One camera feature that landscape photographers have relied upon for years to achieve sharp photos is image stabilization. But does it always work the way you expect? Read on.

Ron Leach  |  May 05, 2023  | 

Photographers who do most of their shooting outdoors know how difficult it can be to consistently nail exposure—especially when shooting expansive landscape vistas. That’s because these types of scenes often contain a broad range of tones from bright highlights to deep shadows.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 05, 2023  | 

Leica just announced the Leica M11 Monochrom, the B&W-only version of their M11 flagship digital rangefinder camera, and Shutterbug had the opportunity to test run a production sample early on in the release cycle. Our conclusions are not as simple as black and white.

Ron Leach  |  May 04, 2023  | 

How often have you captured what you thought was a great photo, only to view it on the computer and discover it’s not sharp? If you’re like the rest of us, the answer is “more than one or twice.”

Ron Leach  |  May 03, 2023  | 

Many photographers are confused by the fact that some modern cameras have two shutters; a conventional mechanical one and another that’s electronic. The explainer below from the Montana-based Rocky Mountain School of Photography (RMSP) demystifies the difference.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 26, 2023  | 

It’s not uncommon for photographers to adopt a “set-it-and-forget it” mentality when configuring their cameras, thereby ending up with photographs that aren’t as good as possible. Whether you call this habit lazy or uninformed, there are times when the choice of a custom setting results in more creative images.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 24, 2023  | 

Color temperature is a very important photographic concept that can be difficult to understand—depending upon who is doing the explaining. Booray Perry is an instructor who specializes in quick tutorials that simplify so-called “complicated” considerations, and that’s exactly what he does in the quick video below.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 19, 2023  | 

EV-Compensation is an important concept to understand if you want to consistently capture properly exposed images in the camera. Also known as Exposure Compensation, this setting is a feature in just about any camera you own, and when used properly it often eliminates the necessity of balancing tones during the editing process.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 19, 2023  | 

If you’re new to photography welcome aboard, and there’s no way around the simple fact that you’ve got a lot to learn. The quick tutorial below is designed to short-circuit your learning curve by revealing five common mistakes made by beginners and how to avoid them.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 07, 2023  | 

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of Walt Disney Studios and their continuous use of Leica cameras and projectors during the production of their omnipresent cartoons, Leica has announced the limited-edition Leica Q2 | Disney "100 Years of Wonder,” a black Leica Q2 graced with a discreet image of the world’s most famous animated mouse on the top plate. Production is limited to 500 pieces.
