Lens News

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Ron Leach  |  Jul 26, 2023  | 

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to spice up your landscape photography? If so, check out this tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel. In barely five minutes you'll learn seven in-camera techniques for getting the job done.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 28, 2023  | 

Last week we brought you a basic primer on achieving maximum sharpness in the camera, regardless of the subject or lens you use. But long telephotos are a unique case, requiring even more precision and careful techniques.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 02, 2021  | 

Most photographers turn to wide-angle lenses when shooting landscape images. But as you’ll see in this quick tutorial, there are times when a longer focal length will deliver superior results.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 24, 2021  | 

Conventional wisdom is that landscape photography calls for wide-angle lenses. Another “rule” is that if you shoot with long lenses a tripod is absolutely essential. But this quick tutorial takes a somewhat radical approach that you may find surprising.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 17, 2017  | 

Lens condensation is an inconvenient and potentially damaging problem for those of us living in hot, humid climates and photographers traveling to similar locations. The problem arises when you leave a cold, air conditioned room and step outside into the heat.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 07, 2018  | 

Giving up on a favorite lens is almost like breaking up with a loved one – yes, photographers are a weird bunch – but if it’s ever happened to you, you know the feeling can be oddly familiar. “I used to love this lens but, for some reason, it just doesn’t do it for me anymore.”

Ron Leach  |  Mar 09, 2023  | 

Regardless of how you pronounce “bokeh” (see our hilarious video on this topic), it’s an important concept to understand if you want to shoot photos that grab attention by making the primary subject in a scene really stand out against a soft and pleasing background.

Henry Anderson  |  Jan 13, 2022  | 

Since you're a photographer, we're sure you've always wondered how to use various household items as a camera lens. For instance, instead of your fancy zoom, maybe a potato could be a camera lens? Or how about putting a toilet paper roll on front of your $5000 camera and using that as a lens?

Ron Leach  |  Sep 10, 2024  | 

Experienced Lightroom users frequently turn to the versatile and easy-to-use Lens Correction and Transform tools when processing their images. If you're not up to speed we'll fix that today day with this comprehensive beginners guide from the folks at Eastern Shore Photo Instruction.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 18, 2019  | 

Go long or go home? It's not always that simple when it comes to using telephoto lenses to get close to your subject. In fact, using longer lenses in photography can be harder than it looks.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 12, 2018  | 

If you love the look and affordable prices of vintage lenses but have no idea how to use them on a modern camera, the below video from Mark Holtze is for you. In the clip, Holtze shows you how to use these classic lenses on your current DSLR or mirrorless camera using adapters that coast as little as $10.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 15, 2023  | 

Correct technique is essential for fast and precise focus, and sometimes it's necessary to give your camera some help. That's because if you focus on the wrong spot within the frame, all is lost before you snap the shutter—even if you use a high-end pro camera with a premium lens.

Bob Davis  |  Jul 29, 2022  | 

(Editor’s Note: Exploring Light is a monthly Shutterbug column featuring tips, tricks, and photo advice from professional photographers in Canon Explorers of Light education program. This month's column is by Bob Davis, with great tips for shooting sharp photos of wildlife and birds in flight.

Ron Leach  |  May 13, 2021  | 

Spring is in full bloom, with summer barely a month away, and it’s time to pull out the macro lens, brush up on your technique, and start thinking about close-up

Ron Leach  |  Jul 28, 2021  | 

Whether the view before you is an expansive vista, a majestic mountain scene, or a stunning seascape, there’s a good chance you’ll reach in your bag, pull out a wide-angle lens, and mount it on your camera. But that doesn’t guarantee a great image unless you avoid a few common errors.
