Travel Photography How To

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Ron Leach  |  May 18, 2022  | 

Have you ever captured what you thought were great images, only to be disappointed when reviewing them on computer? It’s a rather common occurrence that images don’t look as impressive on a monitor as they did through the viewfinder (or with your naked eye when viewing the scene).

Jack Neubart  |  Apr 18, 2017  | 

Ira Block can best be described as a cultural documentary photographer. He uses his camera to document cultures around the world, recording how lives are impacted by changing norms, practices, and traditions. The changes are most often gradual, which is why he returns to a location time after time after time. He captures the shifting sands, one grain at a time, helping us see these changes and appreciate them through his eyes—and through social media.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 22, 2024  | 

We'd all love to shoot with the best equipment that money can buy, but most of us simply can't afford that luxury. But guess what? According to one of our favorite outdoor photographers, "It's possible to capture pro-quality images with entry level gear."

Ron Leach  |  Dec 09, 2021  | 

Winter is just about here, and with it comes great opportunities for beautiful landscape photography. One of the downsides is that this final season of the year is frequently accompanied by weather that is downright awful.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 18, 2024  | 

Most experienced landscape photographers think of wide-angle lenses as their weapons of choice when shooting in the field, but it's important to understand the benefits and pitfalls of going wide if you want to capture the most compelling images possible.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 23, 2023  | 

Have you ever returned from a vacation to a popular city, or to an iconic destination in the great outdoors, only to realize that your images look pretty much the same as those shot by everyone else? In the quick tutorial below you’ll learn simple techniques that are guaranteed to make your photos stand out from the crowd.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 15, 2022  | 

All outdoor photographers are at the mercy of the weather, and we have to accept whatever Mother Nature gives us. That’s especially true if you travel to a location, and it’s impossible to return on a different day when conditions improve.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 09, 2023  | 

In today’s mobile-obsessed society there’s one thing we carry with us at all times (even if we forget to bring our wallet). And that’s the smartphone we use for everything from checking the weather, keeping up to date on social media, and taking photos when a “real” camera isn’t available. Some folks even use their phones to make telephone calls.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 25, 2022  | 

Outdoor photographers spend a lot of time chasing “great light” as they strive to make the best photos possible. But according to one trusted pro, “There’s no such thing as bad light.”

Ron Leach  |  Jun 06, 2022  | 

Summer offers many opportunities for landscape photographers, one of which is dramatic lightning that often accompanies thunderstorms this time of year. With a few basic techniques for photographing electrical storms, it’s easy to capture truly epic landscape images.

Deborah Sandidge  |  May 17, 2017  | 

Want to see something you don’t see every day—something, in fact, you can’t really see at all?

Ron Leach  |  Jun 02, 2021  | 

Most photographers turn to wide-angle lenses when shooting landscape images. But as you’ll see in this quick tutorial, there are times when a longer focal length will deliver superior results.

Deborah Sandidge  |  Jul 19, 2017  | 

This may be strange to hear from a travel photographer, but I can make a case that location isn’t everything—light is. And I’d build my argument on the fact that the right light brings out the best in any location.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Sep 18, 2018  | 

With everyone taking selfies these days, why are so many of these self-portraits so terrible? And when couples shoot selfies together while traveling (such as on vacation), why do they only seem to capture their faces and none of the scenic surroundings?

Ron Leach  |  Jul 18, 2024  | 

So you scouted out a promising location, used your best tools and techniques, yet the photos you captured are far less impressive that you expected due to problematic daytime light. You can return just before sunset and try again, or you can mimic a stunning Golden Hour effect by using the editing technique demonstrated in this beginner-friendly Lightroom tutorial.
