Master Class

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Monte Zucker  |  Jun 01, 2004  | 

In our first installment, Monte shared some of his exciting posing and lighting secrets on his trip to Mexico. We continue with more lighting tips...

When The Background Outside Is Important...

Monte Zucker  |  Feb 01, 2005  | 

All Photos © 2004, Monte Zucker, All Rights Reserved

Good portraits need to be created with controlled light. You just can't bring people out into open spaces--where light is coming in from all around--and get good results. There are many ways to control light for portraits both in a studio environment and outdoors. I illustrated several of my techniques...

Monte Zucker  |  Mar 01, 2005  | 

Photos © 2004, Monte Zucker, All Rights Reserved

Picture this: You're in the golden era of your life. You're at the top of your professional career. Your reputation as a significant portrait photographer and teacher is as solid as ever, even after being in the profession for over 50 years. You're appearing in New York City for Canon at one of the...

Monte Zucker  |  Mar 01, 2003  | 

Master Class

Creating Backgrounds From Within The Original Pictures

This simple photograph was sort of fun to create. First of all, I had professional models and all the time in the world to make the image. It was made during a shoot to create an ad for the...

Monte Zucker  |  Jul 01, 2002  | 

You say you don't have any beautiful locations around you for portraits? Who cares? You don't need any fancy environments for portraits. All you need is some light and a little ingenuity. That's what I've used here for these portraits. Of course...

Monte Zucker  |  Dec 01, 2003  | 

Each year around this time I wonder what the next year will bring. Not this year! I'm planning ahead and making decisions here and now to make 2004 the beginning of another exciting new era of my life.

First of all, I'm...

Monte Zucker  |  May 01, 2003  | 

Master Class

When I think back at my favorite travel photographs they almost invariably turn out to be of the people I ran into along the way. There are exceptions, of course. For the most part, however, as much as I look for...

Monte Zucker  |  Apr 01, 2006  | 

Although I've been somewhat pigeonholed as a portrait photographer, I am a traveling man...and love taking pictures along the way, of course. Recently I made a trip to Shanghai and loved every second of it--what great opportunities for pictures! I started out my trip by carrying my camera case with three bodies and four lenses. My basic camera bodies are a Canon EOS...

Monte Zucker  |  May 01, 2006  | 

While the city of Shanghai is a wonder to see, this portrait photographer, on a trip to Shanghai, still looks at faces first. I couldn't help but noticing the incredible faces on both the adults and the children. Everywhere I turned, the faces are what grabbed me. I had no trouble taking pictures of the children. Their parents were more than happy to cooperate with me. But...

Monte Zucker  |  Apr 01, 2003  |  First Published: Apr 01, 2002  | 

Master Class

You may wonder what I do when I'm on vacation. You guessed it--take pictures! Memories are made from snapshots like these that I created recently on a trip to Florida's Keys. Now, when I look back at...

Monte Zucker  |  Jan 01, 2003  |  First Published: Jan 01, 2004  | 

Shooting digitally has made it easier for me to photograph black people. I can see what I'm doing as I'm creating each image...

Monte Zucker  |  Nov 01, 2004  | 

All Photos © 2004, Monte Zucker, All Rights Reserved

Have you ever considered creating people portraits? I mean real portraits, pictures that capture the essence of that individual and have character and style. If so, I just want you to know that there's a lot more to people portraits than posing and lighting. One of the most essential...

Monte Zucker  |  Nov 01, 2005  | 

I've always said, "See the finished picture before you even snap the shutter!"

Well, sometimes it doesn't work, especially now that we're able to do so much postproduction work in Photoshop. Such was the case recently in Savannah, Georgia, when I photographed sculptor Bob Friedman. I wanted to do a strong character portrait because of...

Monte Zucker  |  Feb 01, 2004  | 

It used to be that you bought black and white film, exposed it, took it into the darkroom and spent days upon days selecting the right paper, developer, time, and temperature. Not least, not for me! I'm shooting with my Canon EOS 10D and EOS-1Ds cameras and changing color...

Monte Zucker  |  Oct 01, 2004  | 

Photos © 2004, Monte Zucker, All Rights Reserved

One of the most enjoyable parts of my life today is sharing everything I've learned over the years. It's no secret. I learned photographic techniques--posing and lighting--many years ago and then...
