YOU Can Shoot Pro Quality Portraits with Cheap Off-Camera Flash Gear: Here’s How (VIDEO)
If you shy away from shooting people pictures because you think low light portraiture requires a boatload of expensive lighting gear, think again. The video below corrects that common misconception, by demonstrating how to achieve stunning results using simple and affordable off-camera flash.
Francisco Hernandez is a Texas-based pro with a knack for capturing beautiful portraits using a minimum of basic equipment, not only to save money but also to lighten his load when shooting on location. In this quick tutorial, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at a recent portrait session he shot outdoors in dim light.
Hernandez captured the images you see here with nothing more than an inexpensive light with a wireless transmitter, a simple light stand and flash bracket, and a $20 modifier—a basic setup that you can pull together for less than $300. The specific gear he used is listed in the description below the video.
In just 10 minutes, Hernandez demonstrates how to put this budget gear to use. While watching the video you’ll see how to position your light, and pick up some valuable tips on exposure settings and posing a model.
There are more helpful tips on Hernandez’ YouTube channel, and in his earlier tutorial explaining how to use a simple diffusion panel for better outdoor portaits during the day.
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