Shutterbug Photo of the Day: “Another Round of Applause” by Linn Smith

Our Shutterbug Photo of the Day by Linn Smith features a beautiful white ibis set against the rich golden tones reflected in the surface of the calm water.

“White Ibis invites a round of applause while making an entrance on the shoreline of Lake Jesup located in Seminole County, Florida,” writes Smith.

This image was captured with a Canon 5D Mark II, 100-400mm lens and a 1.4 extender, f/4.5, 1/3200 and ISO 320.

See a larger version of the photo in the Shutterbug Photo of the Day gallery here.

If you want to enter Shutterbug Photo of the Day, post an image in the Shutterbug Photo of the Day Gallery and include your real name and some background on the image (how and where it was shot; the story behind the image; gear and settings used etc.) in the description field to qualify.

We will select one Shutterbug Photo of the Day image every month to run as a full-page feature in the magazine.