Shutterbug Photo of the Day: “Perseid Meteor Over the Blue Ridge Mountains” by Joshua T. Moore

Our Shutterbug Photo of the Day by Joshua T. Moore features a dramatic star scape framed by the black shapes of the mountains and reflected in the tranquil waters.

“I had never really stayed up for meteor showers before, in fact this was the first one I ever watched. I started taking photography real serious about 2 years ago and I wanted to capture something I have never witnessed before. I have been to this location many times, but I wanted to witness something I had never seen. I got to this spot at around 9:30 pm and stayed until 2 am. It took me close to 4 hours to get what I wanted, but I got it and I got it over my favorite location (BRP),” writes Moore.

See a larger version of the photo in the Shutterbug Photo of the Day gallery here.

If you want to enter Shutterbug Photo of the Day, post an image in the Shutterbug Photo of the Day Gallery and include your real name and some background on the image (how and where it was shot; the story behind the image; gear and settings used etc.) in the description field to qualify.

We will select one Shutterbug Photo of the Day image every month to run as a full-page feature in the magazine.