It looks like your efforts to get to this island has paid off. I've been to Venice several times and have never considered this one. All of the photos from here are excellent! Nice work.

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It wasn't until nearly the end of our morning at Poveglia that I explored a corner of the building that seemed to contain equipment for cleaning and sanitizing. This spiral staircase was on one side but it was getting late and I didn't get a chance to see where it went.
This was photographed with an Olypmus OMD-EM1 and an Olympus 7-14mm lens. Multiple exposures were taken and later combined in Photomatix to address the contrast differences.
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Poveglia - Spiral Staircase
Photographer: Richard Vanderlippe
Vanlippe | Nov 29, 2017
Views: 117
Dimensions: 4608x3456
Size: 10363kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Abandoned and Discarded