Photoshop Tips: When It Comes to Editing Portrait Photos It’s All About the Eyes (VIDEO)

Most photographers know to focus on the eyes of a subject when making portraits or shooting wildlife photos. But when it comes to editing these images, there a lot more to consider than sharpness, as you’ll see in the video below.

The key to this tutorial is learning how to create more dramatic portraits by adding dimension and details to eyes. Image-editing expert Unmesh Dinda begins with a quick explanation of how light enters a human eye eye. Then he demonstrates a number of methods for making eyes shine, and adding a bit of sparkle by playing around with highlights.

Dinda explains a simple but highly effective method of using Photoshop’s Curves, Masks, and Blend modes to bring life to the eyes of a subject. He also demonstrates how to remove unsightly veins from the white of an eye. After that, it’s a simple procedure to enhance the catchlights for a final eye-popping result.

You can find more editing advice on Dinda’s YouTube channel, and be sure to check out our recent article with several great tips for improving travel portraits by properly capturing the gaze of a subject.