Onslot On-Hot Shoe LCD Cleaner

As the exclusive distributor for OnSlot products in the United States, OmegaBrandess is proud to launch the Original On-Hot Shoe LCD Cleaner.

OnSlot is an innovative cleaning system which attaches to the hot shoe of your camera. OnSlot is designed specifically for cleaning any electronic glass such as LCD screens on digital cameras, but OnSlot can also be used to clean screens on laptops, tablets, smart phones and many other devices.

OnSlot comes in four flavors, Polished Rosewood with Black or White Pedestal, Piano Black or Piano White. In addition, with a minimum order and small additional charge, can order a custom designed logo.

Pricing The manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the OnSlot (Piano Black & Piano White) is $9.99 USD and the Rosewood is $19.99 USD
