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Canon 30D with Canon 24-70 1:2.8 L at 68mm. ISO 100. f11 at 1/125
Photo management/adjustments and stitching done with Lightroom and Photoshop
I was in Santa Fe NM at a National Geographic photography course in 2008. I had tried stitching with Photoshop in the past and was not impressed. However at this program they mentioned that Photoshop had upgraded their panoramic stitching in the latest release of the program. The next day we were taken by bus to Ghost Ranch, a locale with beautiful landscape views and made famous by the incredible artist, Georgia O'Keefe. This scene greeted me on arrival and I took 5 images with the idea of stitching them in the upgraded Photoshop. I downloaded the upgrade that night and was able to make this beautiful image from it. I have been a huge fan of Photoshop panorama fetters ever since.