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The scene is the Market Square with the Alexandria,VA, City Hall behind the fountain. Market Square, on Saturday mornings, is the site of the oldest continuos farmer's market in the USA. This is a mid day panorama of 24 images shot in 360 degrees then wrapped in a polar coordinate filter using Lightroom and Photo Shop CC. Canon 6D with a Canon 24 to 105 mm zoom set at 24mm and an eight stop neutral density filter with 100 ISO, f/16, 1/4 sec. The camera is mounted on an elderly Quickset Hi-Boy 3D tripod set so the camera is about ten above the brick and the head is a Phottix 4-way Macro Focusing Rail with a homemade right angle bracket to center the lens focal point and get a portrait image.
(2 votes)

Alexandria Market Square
potomac-images | Aug 5, 2014
Views: 169
Dimensions: 7006x7006
Size: 4510kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Panorama