While I'm very much in favor of the concept of this bill as presented here (having made lots of photographs on public land) I do wonder if it was drafted as a backdoor way to allow, say, a Hollywood movie crew to roll in and set up "camp," Hollywood style, in the middle of a national park while they film a movie, or an ad company to roll in and film an advertisement without paying anything for the privilege. The National Park Service and other related Federal agencies should have the right to impose reasonable restrictions on this sort of activity. I can't tell from what I've seen about this bill whether this would be an issue. It also seems reasonable for a Hollywood movie crew or ad production company to pay a bit for the right to film on public land. Someone to hauling around even a large-format still camera is a very different thing from a full movie production crew with actors, extras, support staff and so on!
Given the strongly anti-environmental stance of the Representative who introduced this bill, I'm pretty suspicious of his motives.