Spirals & levels on a hanging scroll

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On the northeast side of the Great Salt Lake is an earthworks sculpture made by American sculpture Robert Smithson called a Spiral Jetty. It is made of mud, basalt rocks and any salt crystals that have formed from water evaporation and requires paved and dirt county roads to get there. Uncoiled it measures 1500 ft. long x 15 ft. wide. I wanted it to be an "other worldly" photograph (because the jetty doesn't look like anything from this world) so I used Photoshop to convert it to B&W from color and added a motion blur to the beach and water surrounding the jetty. A Nikon D750 camera fitted with a 14-24mm f/2.8 Nikkor lens was used to capture the photo. Settings were 1/30 sec. @ f/20, ISO 100, 24mm focal length.
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Spiral Jetty
Photographer: Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton | May 31, 2018
Views: 216
Dimensions: 1956x1182
Size: 665kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Curves