These type of car show are very amazing and interesting thing for everybody, basically Vintage car show give a better look. In the show, you can get variety type of cars from different companies and they also describe about cars details. The show give information and knowledge to everybody and interact with many people.
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Eva Gryk photographed this panoramic at the annual Klingberg Vintage Car show using her Sony NEX3 and the camera's "sweep panoramic" function. Exposure was at ISO200, F11, 1/250sec and 18mm.
(2 votes)

Klingberg Vintage Car Show
Eva Gryk | Jun 9, 2014
Views: 523
Dimensions: 2000x436
Size: 1186kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Panorama

These type of car show are
Submitted by Edison Ward on August 3, 2014 - 11:30pm

Vintage car is a luxurious
Submitted by Franklin King on August 21, 2014 - 12:09am
Vintage car is a luxurious and comfort car for everybody, in car show, it can give a better look and experience for everybody. Car show give a better experience and knowledge for everybody, you can get variety type of cars from different models and look.
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