Please comment briefly on your backup strategy.

Please comment briefly on your backup strategy.
I have them on the hard drive and will back them up some day.
29% (155 votes)
CDs and DVDs
20% (108 votes)
External hard drive
49% (261 votes)
3% (14 votes)
Total votes: 538

Harold Schwander's picture

I use CDs and DVDs and 3 external hard drives none of my pics are on my computer hard drive.

Carl Tufts's picture

My only worry is fire. I am considering an online service.

Dan Fiorino's picture

Backups to the external drive occur automatically as I load images to my primary drive. I am considering online backup for the accessibility factor but have yet to do so.

Perkins's picture

I back up my image files to a Data Robotic's Drobo device. It is a fantastic data storage device. I highly recommend it. It is sold by B&H.

Ashok SenGupta, PhD's picture

Just yesterday I was reading an article online that recommended a RAID backup system and downplayed the stability of optical drives, particularly DVDs, as image storage media. On the other hand, I have read previously that data on ALL magnetic media (hard drives) deteriorate slowly. An example is the tapes from the Apollo missions; many are no longer readable. For this reason, some authors call hard discs "volatile" and recommend the "nonvolatile" optical disks. And it is possible today to buy a CD with a 300-year life expectancy and a DVD with an 80-year life expectancy. Since there is disagreement among even the "authorities" on this topic, I back up my pictures to both an external drive and two copies of DVS kept at different locations.

Olin Batchelor's picture

Also, I back up all my raw images on DVDs, before I do anything to them with Photoshop.

James Crawford's picture

Apple Time Capsule.

Michael McGuire's picture

I was putting everything on cd - don't know how long that will be a viable medium - now it all goes to an external hard drive.

W.  C.  Mazzanti's picture

Download files to my computer and backup to external hard drive. Clean up files, rename and edit. Backup finished files to two different externals and remove from Computer.

Dan Hedgpeth's picture

I use an inexpensive web-based service as well as DVD to ensure I have a fighting chance of recovering at least one of my important photos.

Bruce Wilbur's picture

I have external drives attached to all my PC's and one central External for all PC's. I also use DVD's.

Gene Sellier's picture

I backup current work on external hard drives and archive completed projects on DVDs.

Haider Mamdani's picture

On import raw files get copied to external hard drive and the CF/SD card then copied to CD/DVD.

Pete's picture

I use the drobo system which works very well.

David Shapiro's picture

I back up to 2 external hard drives and copy individual group files of related photos (those shot on same date / same event) to their own CD.

Allen Jayo's picture

I keep a Lacie raid one for my kodachrome scans and 3 External Hard Drive Aperture Vaults, and a 2nd 500 gb Internal Hard Drive. Plus all files are burned to DVD/CD. I keep 3TB's of External Back Up, Oline is not an option here where I live.

Bill Kay's picture

I use a dual bay, HP Media Vault, network dual 512gb network drives for back-up. One backs up files automatically, and the other I can back-up files manually. I can also do a full system back-up if needed.

Jeff Parrish's picture

All of my photos are on the main hard drive, backed-up on a external hard drive, and also burnt to CD's stored off site.

A.  Smith's picture

I keep the hard drive stored in a fire-proof safe.

Kurt Reinhardt's picture

I routinely back up to an external hard drive but also make CDs of my favorites.

Rod's picture

Multiple hard drive backups, one external continuous and one external off site monthly.

Sharon's picture

Lightroom imports on C drive, exports on external hard drive and also upload some to outside photo website-I learned the hard way...once!

Dave Mitchell 's picture

Download from camera, to Picasa for quick basic editing and finally to topic/trip folders.

D.  Q.  Garcia's picture

I'm still using a point and shoot camera because I cannot afford a dslr yet but yes, I backup my shots to an external hard drive & hoping to get a raid1 hdd together with a good dslr someday.

Bob Levesque's picture

Initially I load them twice to an external hard drive. One copy to a folder marked as "Originals", never to be touched again, and the other to a similar folder labeled "Edited". Each folder is named in a very specific format... example: 2009-03-28_WTS_Luncheon_DavePalmer_ORIGINALS With this format, it will always sort by date, even as the years go by. And the subcategory "WTS" is the name or abbreviation of the general topic or group of whom the pictures were taken. The next category is the function within that group, like a luncheon, or a concert, or a party...etc. The next category is a little more specific, like who was the speaker/singer/host of the event if it is applicable, the the final category is whether it is the "Original" folder or the "Edited" folder. Then under that general folder are any applicable and necessary subfolders, for things like "Contact Sheets", "Resized" images for use in emails and web use. This system has worked really well for me because it allows me to search by date, or by the Organization, or by the type of event, or by the person. When I've done my editing and contact sheets, and resized the applicable images, I load all of that onto 2 sets of CD/DVD's to be stored in my apartment, and offsite.

Roy Wheeler's picture

I use an external HD that is also connected to Windows home server that does a daily backup.

Dennis's picture

I go through my pictures about once a month and copy the new ones to a CD I date the CD's so I know when they were made.

Peter Crowson's picture

immediately upon downloading i burn an archive DVD, also import to an external hard drive using the DVD index reference as file folder, and lightroom at the same time, for current use. Finally, I make a backup in my own off line hard drive archive. I have never used on line storage.

Dennis Goulet's picture

I use two in the field to back up the cards. At home, I have all on a hard drive in the PC, and a separate back up drive that I store separately.

Dave Speicher's picture

I have an automatically scheduled incremental save every night to a Maxtor USB Hard Drive. Monthly I do a complete HD backup including system files to a diffeent Maxtor drive and keep it in my camera backpack. In case of fire or flood, etc. I can at least grab my camera bag and get out.
