I see the problem, You've got to much camera with that Rebel XT. Trust me, you do not have an understanding of photography and when you do, you'll understand where I'm coming from. Don't they offer that in your high school.
BTW, nice self image.

You are here

You used a "Self" timer on the shot, no?
It was set to Center weight on the metering, no?
It was shot at 640 for your speed and you used f/5.0, no?
for the shot, you were set at 62mm's, no?
Sorry for assuming what I don't know. Damn, shame on me.
You are the one that doesn't know and I've really tried to get you to understand, but like American Idol, the worst are the ones that bitch about being told they really don't have talent. You're case is not as extreme because you do have talent, but it need to be refined.

and again NO!
I am not "bitching" - I am confused as to why you feel the need to "critique" the way you do - you are not a nice person - as I mentioned in another comment - I am learning everyday - and how do you know what kind of camera I have you are correct with the RebelXT - and yes when I purchased it I had up graded from a Canon A1E 35 mm - so the whole digital world was new to me. That being beside the point - I can appritiate that you want me to "understand", but without practice I can't be as perfect as us YOU my friend :)

Point taken.
All the info listed above about your shot is accurate 100%, this I promise you. One more thing to learn on the road to being a photographer is that every shot stores info about every setting and simply by looking at the setup let's me know the level of skill the shooter has. May I remind you that I did notice your effort and understand your desire.
I could have you shooting clear shots in just a few minutes of time. There's not a lot to it and the photo results are worth looking into.
Once again, enjoy.

I can promise you that I took the picture above - WITHOUT a self timer and WITHOUT a tripod (I didn't even own a tripod at this time). I had just purchased my camera and the setting I used this day was an automatic focus and lighting. I took several pictures this day and the lesson I learned was that I must watch for shadows and where I stand and where the sun is.
HOW could you have me shooting clear shots in just a few minutes? Tell me! Like I said I am willing to learn and I want to learn - I just don't like RUDE people!
Help me if you want to....

I hate certain people too. My biggest pet peeve is new camera owners flooding the market with claims of being a photographer. I've seen all types pose as a pro with photography or computer skill that are just not up to par, more beginner than novice. Get good, get business. Don't get business in order to get good because your taking other people money. Not you, just in general.
I will send you some info in a bit on how to's:

You Go!!!.I admire the way you stood up for yourself. I too don't care for RUDE people.There is a certain way to approach people while giving criticisms and "helpful" hints and comming off as
a know-it-all with a harsh attitude is neither helpful or pleasant.I believe also that there are a lot of photos on this site that belong in a photo album on the shelf in a closet.
That doesn't change the fact that a "well voiced" criticism is better than a harsh,"don't you know any better",type comment.I don't know who stylephoto is but I do know he needs to lighten up and get off his high horse.If he wants to help people then he should learn how to speak to them first. I'm trying to develop my style and I welcome comments,criticism etc...but I,like everybody else has an ego and a part of them that needs the good WITH the bad and if delivered in humane way,the criticism isn't so hurtful or embarrassing.Keep practicing and practicing.We ALL
can improve in one way or another,whether it's photography or w/ people skills.