Rick Sammon

Rick Sammon  |  Jul 01, 2002

I'm a people person.

I enjoy meeting and sharing experiences with people--at home and around the world. As a photographer, I get the most enjoyment out of photographing faces, capturing an expression...

Rick Sammon  |  May 01, 2002

In March of 2001, I set off for a week-long jaunt to what turned out to be one of my favorite shooting locations: Cuba. My plan was to spend half my time in Old Havana, the oldest part of Havana, and the other half in Trinidad, a small town...

Rick Sammon  |  Apr 01, 2002

I have been a full-time free-lance photographer and writer for 11 years. Before that, I also free-lanced as a part-time photographer and writer€but I did not share that information with my bosses. Like my other free-lance friends, I take my job...

Rick Sammon  |  Mar 01, 2002

When I was a kid, my favorite television shows were Westerns: The Lone Ranger, Maverick, and Bonanza. Why did I like those programs? Because, like most boys back then, I dreamed of being a cowboy. After all, what could be more fun...

Rick Sammon  |  Jan 01, 2002

For many wildlife photographers, nothing beats an African photo safari. The sprawling plains of Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, and South Africa seem to offer endless photo opportunities, from dawn to dusk.

Rick Sammon  |  Nov 01, 2001

Photo enthusiasts often ask me, "What's the most important accessory I need for professional-quality outdoor people pictures?" I reply, "A flash unit, of course." Then they ask me for my best tip for using a flash. My advice: Think flashy...

Rick Sammon  |  Oct 01, 2001

One of the coolest things about digital imaging is that it has changed the way we take and make pictures. Big time!

I experience this almost every time I shoot. Knowing that an...

Rick Sammon  |  Aug 01, 2001

It's that time of year when many of us are gearing up for our summer vacations. Some folks will go to the far sides of the planet, others will stay close to home. But, no matter where we go, Shutterbug readers have one thing in common:...

Rick Sammon  |  Jun 01, 2001

As photographers,
we love to photograph colorful subjects. We sometimes travel to exotic
locations to photograph people dressed in colorful garments and costumes.
We frame brightly painted buildings in our viewfinders. We focusou...

Rick Sammon  |  May 01, 2001

Dozens of ballooning events are held around the country throughout the year. No doubt one is held not too far from your hometown. "Shutterbug" contributor Rick Sammon has been shooting balloon festivals for five years. His favorite is...
