Medium Format Camera Reviews

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Rick Shimonkevitz  |  Aug 01, 2007  | 

As we journey further into cyberspace, it is inevitable that the oldest of methods for forming an image has found resurgence. Pinhole photography can be both fun and a serious pursuit. Notice the introduction of make-your-own pinhole camera kits as well as manufactured cameras for small and large formats. There is a published journal devoted to the craft and several websites...

Steve Anchell  |  Apr 01, 2006  | 

If you want to make an immediate improvement in your photography, move up to medium format. Not just because of the larger format, which will instantly provide better resolution and quality, whether you use digital or film; more importantly, the larger viewing screen will assist you in defining your subject and refining your composition. I have seen near instant improvement occur...

Jason Schneider  |  Jan 01, 2006  | 

Just the other day a buddy of mine bought the Hasselblad he'd always wanted but couldn't afford at the unheard price of $475. It was a 20-year-old Hasselblad 500C/M, the functional equivalent of the current 500C/W. He purchased it from a private seller for $475 in near-mint condition, complete with 12-exposure back, waist-level finder, and 80mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss...

Uwe Steinmueller  |  Jan 01, 2004  | 

With high-end 35mm digital SLRs currently sporting 11 to 14-megapixel resolution, some photographers ask the question: Is there still an advantage to medium format if you work only in digital?

The Hasselblad H1 answers that question. The H1 is both a film and a...

Tom Fuller  |  Jan 01, 2002  | 

If you've been wondering about which medium format cameras would be a good choice for students and other struggling photographers, the answer today would indeed be one of the Seagull twin lens reflex models imported by Phoenix Corporation.

Robert E. Mayer  |  Jan 01, 1999  | 

The recently introduced Pentax 67II medium format SLR camera extensively updates the original model Pentax 67 which was introduced in 1969 by incorporating today's technologies. This resulted in improved performance, excellent maneuverability and...
