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Ron Leach  |  May 07, 2024  | 

If you're a regular visitor to the Shutterbug website you know that there are a variety of methods for color grading landscape images—some more effective than others. This tutorial from the popular PHOLOG Photography YouTube channel demonstrate a very powerful technique that's easy to accomplish and delivers spectacular results.

Ron Leach  |  May 03, 2024  | 

What if we told you there's a "secret" Photoshop feature that will take your landscape edits to the next level, and that it delivers epic results for beginners and experienced users alike? This is exactly what you'll learn in the five-minute tutorial below from photographer Steve Arnold.

Ron Leach  |  May 02, 2024  | 

We recently featured an eye-opening tutorial explaining why it sometimes make sense to shoot Jpeg images, and the best way edit them in Lightroom for optimum results. We're following that up today with this beginners guide to processing Raw files in Photoshop with Adobe Camera Raw (ACR).

Ron Leach  |  May 02, 2024  | 

The other day we featured a tutorial for beginning Photoshop users, discussing a variety of image-killing mistakes and simple ways to correct them. There's no need to feel left out if you process photos in Lightroom, because we're doing the same thing for you today.

Ron Leach  |  May 01, 2024  | 

Most so-called "experts" capture images in the Raw file format because this approach provides far more control during post processing. Jpeg images, on the other hand, are a "lossy" compressed format that often results in image degradation that's particularly noticeable in areas with sharp edges and fine details.

Ron Leach  |  May 01, 2024  | 

Understanding how Lightroom's Masking tools work is an essential component of making selective enhancements to various parts of a scene to achieve a final image with perfectly balanced tones. If you're having difficultly creating clean results, this straightforward tutorial is just what you need.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 30, 2024  | 

We're all looking for a creative edge that makes our landscape photos stand out from the crowd, and today's tutorial from the PHLOG Photography YouTube channel demonstrates a straightforward Lightroom method that really delivers the goods. The technique involves selectively introducing light and shadow during post processing.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 30, 2024  | 

Most outdoor photographers understand that a shallow depth of field draws attention to the key element of a scene by separating it from a distracting background, foreground or other clutter within the frame. But what if your lens doesn't have a fast maximum aperture that makes it easy to achieve this important effect?

Ron Leach  |  Apr 30, 2024  | 

If you're falling short when processing images in Photoshop there's a good chance that you're making at least one of the image-killing mistakes explained by landscape pro Steve Arnold in the two-minute tutorial below. His lessons all have the same goal: "to help you create images that you can be proud of."

Ron Leach  |  Apr 29, 2024  | 

Every so often we come across a really nice scene, compose it properly, and nail both focus and exposure. Yet we're left with a feeling that by adding "a little bit extra" we can transform the image into something super special.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 29, 2024  | 

What if you were told to "avoid Lightroom's Contrast slider" because there's a much better technique that delivers superior results and is easy enough to accomplish for users of all skill levels? You don't have to trust us on this because the claim comes from one of our favorite professional wildlife and landscape photographers.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 25, 2024  | 

These days a modern smartphone is now considered by many to be a "real" camera, and there are many experienced shooters who capture excellent image on a mobile device. In this quick tutorial from Great Big Photography, a comprehensive source of imaging tutorials, you'll learn how to make great edits on your phone without uploading them to the computer.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 25, 2024  | 

"Lens diffraction" is a term you've likely heard before, but do you really understand the concept and how it can impact your photos? If not, it's time to get up to speed, and this lesson from the Visual Education YouTube channel will do exactly that in less than nine minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 25, 2024  | 

Adobe recently upgraded Photoshop's Gradient capabilities with new versatile options, but this seven-minute tutorial isn't a deep dive into everything these tools can do. Rather, we're taking a targeted look at what one pro says are the "three best ways" to employ Photoshop's updated Gradients.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 24, 2024  | 

Very few photographers prefer sitting behind the computer processing photos than being out in the field shooting with their camera. If this sounds familiar, and you use Lightroom to edit your images, the quick tutorial below is definitely worth a look.
