Portrait Photography How To

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Shutterbug Staff  |  Jul 01, 2019  | 

Anyone can take a decent photo in good light but how to you fare when the lighting is extremely harsh on your subject? In the below easy photo tutorial, Rachel and Daniel from Mango Street give you some handy advice on how to shoot great portraits in bad light.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 28, 2019  | 

Sure, there are some people who are naturally photogenic – such as professional models – but you don't necessarily need to be a model to look great in a portrait. The below video from Bright Side offers 12 ways to make people look fabulous in every photo.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 27, 2019  | 

There's a world of difference to how different prime lenses affect portrait photography. Earlier this week we shared a video comparing how four different primes handled portraits, and now here's one from Jessica Whitaker, this time showing how the 35mm vs 50mm vs 85mm stack up.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 25, 2019  | 

Have you ever thought of trying to sell your photos? If you a serious photographer who might like to become a professional, working pro Jessica Sterling has some great advice in the below video, titled "How Much Should I Charge for My Work?"

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 25, 2019  | 

Photographer Julia Trotti is out with a revealing new video where she compares portraits shot with her whole arsenal of prime lenses: 24mm vs 35mm vs 50mm vs 85mm vs 135mm. We knew there would be a difference in the look of each portrait shot at a different focal length but we were surprised at how much.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 19, 2019  | 

Professional portrait photographer and Shutterbug contributor Jessica Sterling knows a lot about photographing people. She also knows that a photo shoot can quickly go awry if you say the wrong thing.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 18, 2019  | 

Go long or go home? It's not always that simple when it comes to using telephoto lenses to get close to your subject. In fact, using longer lenses in photography can be harder than it looks.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 18, 2019  | 

One of the key things that can make or break a portrait photo is body language. If the person who is posing for the photo is showing negative or awkward body language, your portrait will come out looking negative or awkward or worse: both.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Jun 03, 2019  | 

Here's a portrait photography tutorial that's simple and straight to the point. In the clip, photographer Miguel Quiles shares "5 portrait hacks everyone wishes they knew sooner."

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 30, 2019  | 

In general, taking photos, particularly portraits, in direct sunlight is considered a no-no. The light is simply too harsh and the shadows it produces are unflattering on your subject.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 17, 2019  | 

The perfect portrait can often be ruined by a bad color cast on your subject, which can turn skin tones a hazy shade of ugly. In the below video, software guru Unmesh Dinda shows you an easy way to fix color cast issues in Photoshop so your portraits shine.

Daryl Hawk  |  May 16, 2019  | 

For the past 30 years, my great passion has been to travel to the world’s most remote and beautiful places on earth telling stories with my camera. I spend weeks at a time immersing myself into the landscapes and with the people who inhabit these lands.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 10, 2019  | 

Here's a fun tutorial from photographer Jessica Whitaker with three easy ways to shoot more interesting portraits. Shot on location in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington, Whitaker teams up with model Chelsea Miller to share tips, tricks and techniques for portrait photography.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 10, 2019  | 

Plan to go out shooting this weekend? Whether you're bringing your camera on vacation while traveling the world, or shooting photos closer to home, here are some great photography tricks you should know before you click the shutter.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 09, 2019  | 

Do all your photos have a certain sameness to them? That could simply be because you're shooting everything – portraits, landscapes, action – from the same height.
