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Ron Leach  |  Feb 13, 2025  | 

Many of us have busy schedules with jobs and other obligations that prevent from us being out in the field in early morning and late afternoon when Golden-Hour bathes the landscape with soft, beautiful tones. This means shooting in the middle of the day when high contrast and harsh illumination pose a difficult challenge.

Ron Leach  |  May 24, 2023  | 

Here is another helpful how-to designed to give landscape photos an uncommon look. Like others we’ve posted in the past, it will enable you to capture unique images and set you on the path toward creating a style all your own.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 07, 2022  | 

One of the best things about landscape photography is the opportunity it provides for getting out of Dodge to explore mountains, valleys, rivers, and other photogenic aspects of the great outdoors.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 08, 2017  | 

A while back we featured an unusual challenge in which six photographers shot the same model with very interesting results. When that video went viral, three photographers and a special guest repeated the competition. And now, inspired by the first two episodes, we bring you shootout number three.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 13, 2017  | 

Erik Wahlstrom is a photographer in upstate New York with an unusual approach to landscape photography. As you’ll see in the rather poetic video below, Wahlstrom suggests finding a place that is uniquely your own if you want to create meaningful, intimate photographs.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 11, 2023  | 

If you never venture out with a camera after dark, you're missing out on a bunch of great photo opportunities. Landscapes can take on an awe-inspiring look, and urban scenes that appear boring during the day transform into magical tableaus full of sparking lights, interesting reflections, and vivid colors.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 26, 2023  | 

We all know that photography is all about light, and even the best cameras make mistakes rendering what they "see"—yielding images that are either too bright or too dark. If, like most of us, you prefer nailing exposure in the camera (instead of fixing things in post), you've come to the right place.

Dan Havlik  |  Jul 08, 2015  | 

If you’ve ever been curious how a state-of-the-art camera is made, check out the below video, which shows the step-by-step manufacturing process for Fujifilm X-T10 mirrorless cameras.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 25, 2018  | 

They say that all photography is about light, which makes the below video a must-view for photographers. Produced by The Atlantic and titled “A Visual History of Light,” the two-minute animated video begins with the wood fire and ends with hydrogen fusion.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 23, 2017  | 

Most photographers understand the interaction between aperture settings (f/stops) and shutter speeds for arriving at proper exposures. But in the basic tutorial below you’ll learn why aperture settings also play an important role in composition, setting up your shot, and much more.

Dan Havlik  |  Oct 18, 2018  | 

Dynamic range is, undoubtedly, a term you’ve heard a lot of when talking about photography. In fact, quite a few camera manufacturers these days are touting their latest model’s “impressive dynamic range” as a big selling point, oftentimes over such previously “important” specs as megapixels and resolution.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 05, 2017  | 

Vincent Ledvina is an independent filmmaker specializing in animation, and he combines these skills to release short monthly videos on basic photography concepts. In the episode below he explains everything you need to know about ISO in less than five minutes.

Ron Leach  |  May 10, 2017  | 

Many of the most dramatic outdoor images are made by experienced photographers using neutral density (ND) filters in conjunction with long exposures. In the video below you’ll learn everything you need to know about choosing the proper ND filter for the scene at hand and using it properly.

Ron Leach  |  Oct 11, 2016  | 

Everyone loves photographing a beautiful sunset, but sometimes our results don’t quite convey the epic scene we attempted to capture. In this detailed tutorial, Andrew Marr tells you everything you need to know about capturing a great shot, and processing the image in Lightroom for a realistic, gorgeous result.
