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Ron Leach  |  May 27, 2021  | 

Dealing with ever-changing light and maximizing depth of field are two of the biggest challenges when making landscape photographs. Tonal values often range from dark shadows to bright sunlit areas, and some scenes call for sharply rendered areas from foreground to background.

The Editors  |  Nov 06, 2015  | 

We recently started a new feature on where we showcase some of our favorite footage as our video of the week. This video, titled “Big Baja Spider Crawling Through Our Camp,” was shot by Drew Coalson.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 02, 2023  | 

There's no denying that landscape photography can be really difficult, with ever-changing light, complicated scenes, and unpredictable weather. As a result, we all make mistakes—and this holds true for amateurs and pros alike.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 09, 2022  | 

The best travel and nature images include a bit of artistic flair, but there are also several common mistakes to avoid if you want your images to be really special. In the two-minute video below, an accomplished New Zealand pro summarizes the most consistent errors we make and explains how to fix them.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 19, 2022  | 

If you’re relatively new to Lightroom and feel overwhelmed by the wide variety of tools, this comprehensive beginners guide is just what you need. After watching the straightforward tutorial below, you’ll no longer be a novice and your photos will look better than ever.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 12, 2022  | 

If you’re just getting started in landscape photography and you want to get up to speed as quickly as possible, the video below will seal the deal. You’ll learn all the basics necessary for capturing great photos on you’re next outdoor outing.

Ron Leach  |  Apr 27, 2023  | 

Earlier this week we featured an easy five-minute fix for poorly exposed photos using Layer Masks in Lightroom. But that simple task provided just a taste of what these powerful tools can do.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 16, 2022  | 

In case you haven’t checked the calendar recently you can kiss winter goodbye, because spring officially begins Sunday. And that means it’s time to dust off a macro lens and bone up on your skills.

Ron Leach  |  May 19, 2022  | 

A couple week’s ago we featured a tutorial for experienced bird photographers, with a variety of tips and mistakes to avoid for achieving optimum results. Today’s episode is for those just getting started, with a complete beginner’s guide to joining in on the fun.

Ron Leach  |  May 05, 2022  | 

As much as some Shutterbug readers consider it blasphemy to shoot “serious” images with an iPhone, it’s difficult to deny that—when used properly—today’s sophisticated smartphones are capable of making truly superb photographs. In the detailed video below, you’ll learn everything you need to know to do that yourself.

Ron Leach  |  May 31, 2023  | 

Camera lens filters and adapters are among the least expensive accessories that can make a big difference in your images, especially when shooting outdoors. In fact, many experienced landscape photographers never leave home without a selection of these tools.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 26, 2023  | 

Unless you’re shooting in black and white, the effective use of color can make or break a photo. And that typically means striking a balance between tones that are vibrant and realistic.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 18, 2024  | 

If you're unfamiliar with Lightroom's powerful Point Color tool there a good chance your edits aren't as impressive as they could be. We'll change all that today with the in-depth guide below from the folks at Eastern Shore Photo Instruction.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 03, 2023  | 

If you’re interested in giving macro photography a try, or the images you shot in the past were disappointing, this detailed tutorial is for you. And if you think that shooting close-ups is reserved for spring and summer, think again!

Ron Leach  |  Feb 14, 2024  | 

Ask a bunch of experienced Lightroom users to name their most essential editing technique and most will respond with one word: "Masking." This is particularly true among landscape shooters who frequently encounter scenes with a wide range of tones that exceed the density range of their camera.
