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Ron Leach  |  Sep 10, 2021  | 

Pretty much everyone with a camera has heard the term “dynamic range” bandied about. But do you really know what it means and how it affects your photos? If not, this quick tutorial is for you.

Ron Leach  |  May 03, 2024  | 

We recently featured a tutorial from the Great Big Photography World explaining why you may want to experiment with a camera's Program mode even if you're not a beginner. The episode below, discussing the convenience of Scene modes, is another installment in their series exploring the various options on your camera's mode dial.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 05, 2022  | 

Many inexperienced photographers make a simple mistake than can compromise the quality of their photos, and that’s thinking of a camera’s metering-mode options as a set-it-and-forget-it feature. If you’re guilty of this common error, the video below is for you.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 04, 2024  | 

Exposing photos for the highlights can be a valuable technique for shooting during the day, and even more essential after the sun drops below the horizon. This tutorial provides two examples of the power of this technique and includes editing tips for quickly perfecting your results.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 03, 2024  | 

All modern cameras offer a variety of metering modes, like Evaluative, Spot, and Average, and some photographers make a huge mistake by thinking that the option they choose is a set-it-and-forget-it decision. In fact, the mode that works best in one situation may spell doom in another.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 17, 2023  | 

You know that Mode dial atop your camera that's always staring you in the face? The first thing you should understand is that the various options available don’t fall into the set-it-and-forget category of configuring a camera.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 20, 2024  | 

Here's an interesting discussion  to help you differentiate between what you want and what you really need when it comes to purchasing a new camera—specifically with regard to camera sensor size. Full-frame models are all the rage, but some photographers regret their decision to "step up" from a full-frame camera.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 27, 2024  | 

When photographers use the term "workflow" they're usually referring to the process they use when editing their photos, but there's another essential workflow to consider that doesn’t get as much attention. And that's the shooting workflow that relies upon key camera settings to capture the best possible images in the field.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 27, 2023  | 

Noise in digital photos can seriously degrade image quality, especially when shooting with budget gear, in much the same way grain is annoying in film photography. There are several editing techniques for cleaning up noisy shots, but today’s topic is banishing these ugly artifacts as much as possible in the camera.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 21, 2023  | 

One of the easiest ways to get the best results from a camera is to configure it properly for your type of photography. In the video below you'll learn what one pro says are the "seven camera settings you should always change."

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 24, 2018  | 

Three of the most talked about full-frame, interchangeable lens cameras of the past year, undoubtedly, have to be the Sony A7R III and A7 III mirrorless cameras, and the Nikon D850 DSLR. While we’ve reviewed all three models at Shutterbug, we haven’t done a direct head-to-head comparison of them.

Cynthia Boylan  |  Nov 02, 2015  | 

Some photographers may think that every camera is only capable of making the exact same sound when the shutter is pressed (to capture a single shot or a rapid burst of images): that familiar soft metallic click. While that may seem to be true, in reality nearly every make and model of camera has a shutter sound that is quite unique.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 14, 2018  | 

We always like it when photographers and other creatives use low-end camera gear to achieve high-end results.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Oct 22, 2018  | 

Here’s a fun game from photographer and popular YouTube personality Peter McKinnon. Can you tell the difference between images shot with a $400 camera vs. those shot with a $4000 camera?

Dan Havlik  |  Mar 19, 2019  | 

Do you think you could tell the difference between an image that was shot with a pro DSLR vs one that was captured with a smartphone? Do you think a pro photographer could tell the difference?
