Mirrorless Camera News

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Ron Leach  |  Jan 24, 2023  | 

Camera sensor sizes can be confusing for the uninitiated because of the various options available. Pros and enthusiasts typically use cameras with either full-frame, APS-C, or 4/3 sensors. But there are a number of smaller options too, usually found in compact cameras, super-zoom models, and even our phones.

Ron Leach  |  May 03, 2023  | 

Many photographers are confused by the fact that some modern cameras have two shutters; a conventional mechanical one and another that’s electronic. The explainer below from the Montana-based Rocky Mountain School of Photography (RMSP) demystifies the difference.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 05, 2018  | 

Lately we’ve been featuring tutorials from a helpful series explaining the inner workings of a camera, intended to help photographers take better photos. This new episode, from Christian Tudor of the Academy of Photography, reviews the concept of exposure time and explains how and when to use a camera’s Shutter Priority exposure mode.

Ron Leach  |  Mar 23, 2018  | 

Just because you have a camera with a fast and accurate autofocus system, and a bag of lenses to match, that doesn’t mean you should simply depress the shutter button half-way and wait for the green LED to light up. As you’ll see in this tutorial, there’s a lot more to sharp photos than that.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 23, 2021  | 

Sometimes our brief Camera Basics tutorials are helpful for novices and experienced shooters alike, and this quick video falls into that category. In this episode you’ll learn how to employ the concept of “Expose to the Right” (ETTR) to easily make higher quality photographs.

Ron Leach  |  Jan 11, 2018  | 

One of the most powerful yet frequently overlooked menu options in even the most basic digital camera enables photographers to select a white balance setting that matches the color temperature of the scene being photographed.

Ron Leach  |  Sep 10, 2021  | 

Pretty much everyone with a camera has heard the term “dynamic range” bandied about. But do you really know what it means and how it affects your photos? If not, this quick tutorial is for you.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 05, 2022  | 

Many inexperienced photographers make a simple mistake than can compromise the quality of their photos, and that’s thinking of a camera’s metering-mode options as a set-it-and-forget-it feature. If you’re guilty of this common error, the video below is for you.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 03, 2024  | 

All modern cameras offer a variety of metering modes, like Evaluative, Spot, and Average, and some photographers make a huge mistake by thinking that the option they choose is a set-it-and-forget-it decision. In fact, the mode that works best in one situation may spell doom in another.

Ron Leach  |  Jul 17, 2023  | 

You know that Mode dial atop your camera that's always staring you in the face? The first thing you should understand is that the various options available don’t fall into the set-it-and-forget category of configuring a camera.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 27, 2024  | 

When photographers use the term "workflow" they're usually referring to the process they use when editing their photos, but there's another essential workflow to consider that doesn’t get as much attention. And that's the shooting workflow that relies upon key camera settings to capture the best possible images in the field.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 27, 2023  | 

Noise in digital photos can seriously degrade image quality, especially when shooting with budget gear, in much the same way grain is annoying in film photography. There are several editing techniques for cleaning up noisy shots, but today’s topic is banishing these ugly artifacts as much as possible in the camera.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 24, 2018  | 

Three of the most talked about full-frame, interchangeable lens cameras of the past year, undoubtedly, have to be the Sony A7R III and A7 III mirrorless cameras, and the Nikon D850 DSLR. While we’ve reviewed all three models at Shutterbug, we haven’t done a direct head-to-head comparison of them.

Cynthia Boylan  |  Nov 02, 2015  | 

Some photographers may think that every camera is only capable of making the exact same sound when the shutter is pressed (to capture a single shot or a rapid burst of images): that familiar soft metallic click. While that may seem to be true, in reality nearly every make and model of camera has a shutter sound that is quite unique.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 11, 2019  | 

Fujifilm’s family of digital cameras has some amazing features, but a couple of the most useful controls are a bit tricky to figure out. The owner’s manual is no help, either, and the way they function is counterintuitive—for me at least.
