5 Fun Tricks for Mind Blowing Photographs (VIDEO)
Even experienced photographers know that creativity can be a fickle friend. Sometimes you’re full of inspiration, while other times the doldrums set in and your vision runs dry.
If that sounds familiar, take a look at the video below and save these ideas for the next time you need a jolt of creativity. This is a visual tutorial without dialogue, so sit back, check out the attention-grabbing imagery and jot down a few notes.
Photographer Jordi Koalitic could be described as a trickster. He likes to do things differently and his tutorials are full of easy-to-accomplish ideas for shooting eye-popping images. In this fun episode it only takes Koalitic a couple of minutes to demonstrate five really interesting ideas.
You don’t need any special gear, apart from a few props like a bicycle, a cooperative dog, a bit of fire, a large fish bowl, and a few other things you likely have at home. Koalitic not only provides the inspiration, but he includes exposure and gear information in captions on the photos.
These fun ideas couldn’t be simpler, and one of the easiest is cutting a hole in a typewritten sheet of paper, and shooting a landscape photo through the opening. You’ll also see how to capture unique images with nothing more than a long exposure or an old roll of film.
As always, when photo ideas require small flames, we advise you to be careful and check with your mom. If you like what you see here, take a look at Koalitic’s YouTube channel where you’ll find more great ideas.
And be sure to check out another quick tutorial we posted, with a simple editing hack for better b&w photos.
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