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From the series FRAMES: The frames that are set for us by our age can be seen in the photograph "Aged". An aging automobile in front of a garage.
We live in frames and we see this world in frames. Frames made of our flesh and bones, of our attachments & possessions. Frames made of social conventions, of our biases, of our prejudices. Frames made of our fear, hatred, and misery. They protect us, support us but also constrain and imprison us. They hold us back from seeing what's true and what's beyond the horizon of our mortality, of our limited perspective.
But we can escape, we can break those concrete walls, reach out and touch infinity or something we don't know yet. Because they cannot contain our wildest dreams, our larger than life imagination, our deepest hope, our unshakable faith, our truest compassion and immense love for someone. Those things set us free and then we can see the frames that we used to live in.
Place: Gauting (Bavaria, Germany)
Sony DSC-RX100
10,4 mm