Want to Become a Professional Photographer? Here Are 7 Steps You Need to Take to Go Pro

Do you want to become a professional photographer? Going pro is one of the biggest leaps a serious photographer can make and we’re happy to provide some tips in the form of the latest video from COOPH, which is titled “The 7 key steps to becoming a professional photographer.”

In the 5-minute clip below, COOPH outlines what it calls “The Pro Manifesto” with these seven steps:

1. Find Your Specialty

2. Get the Right Tools

3. Build a Portfolio

4. Find the Right Clients

5. Understand the Business

6. Refine Your Workflow

7. Promote Your Work

Bonus Tip: Never Lose Sight of Why You Started Shooting

While the video offers some great advice, after you watch it, you might want to also view one from pro photographer Jessica Sterling who offers her own three tips on how to make the jump to become a pro photographer. If you want to ask a pro shooter a few questions about all of this, we suggest you contact Shutterbug’s own Scott Kelby who writes the "Ask a Pro" column for us. (Details on how to email him a question at the end of his column.)

To see more great photography videos from COOPH, visit their YouTube channel.